12 - Capture

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Everything was a blur of motion and pain. Yuumai violently threw her body to each side, trying to escape the arms closed around her. Ryu and Ino had just taken off, leaving them to fend for themselves. That was only natural. The moment she realized the Leaf team didn't provide her the best choice of escaping, she had tried to bolt as well.

Never turn your back on your enemy, Ryu's lesson from before basically chided. That means no running or turning. The moment you do, you have lost.

Enraged by her own inability to do anything, her thrashing became wilder. A whimper from the captured Shingi only fueled her flame more. "Let me go!" she cried.

At first her only reply was a snort and tighter grip. A moment later he cried out as Yuumai clamped down on his arm. She took her opportunity and jumped forward, wrenched her body from his grip. Although off balance, Yuumai managed to turn and face her old captor. A stream of uncomplimentary words flowed from his mouth as he examined the puncture wounds in his forearm.

"You're going to pay for that, you little brat." The man swung wildly at Yuumai.

To her amusement, she realized this was exactly how she used to punch, and it was absolutely pathetic. Even if they had been trained, they made such an idiotic mistake as to underestimate her. With a superior feeling, she blocked with ease. She was shocked when she stumbled to the side. The man had a great momentum that left her arm tingling to the point of near numbness. She may have training, but that didn't bring physical strength or great pain tolerance. Maybe she could take a few more hits, but the guy would keep coming with more. How could she run if she couldn't take him out?

Her answer came in the form of a giant fist crashing down on the bandit. She yelped and jumped away before realizing it belonged to Chouji. When she looked at him, he was already turning back to his own opponents, barely able to keep the arm free that had just saved her. Surely it had been an accident, right? No idiot would use what could have been their last attack to save someone else. Even if it stung, Ryu had done the smart thing in running. They should be trying to, too. Anything to save your own butt.

Yet right before she ran, Yuumai paused and glanced back at her wild dog. Shingi was still giving it all to break the wrapping around his snout and claw at the bandits who had captured him, but still he continued to watch her. If anyone had ever been her friend, it was him. No matter what happened, he didn't judge her or grow angry at her. He was just there for her.

Now she was leaving him. How could she save him, though? He was tightly within the bandits' clutches. It would only get them both captured. Something in Shingi's eyes told her even if he was a dog, he knew that as well. He wants me to go, Yuumai realized. He doesn't want me captured any more than I want him captured. Only thing is, he's the one that is caught and I'm the one who is free. I'd want him to run if he could, too, wouldn't I?

Despite the biting guilt eating at her, Yuumai turned from Shingi and took off. Shouts followed after her. Something must have made them stop, though, because she heard no sign of pursuit. Maybe they had decided she wasn't nearly as big a threat as the two shinobi they had grabbed. It made sense seeing as she had only about a week of training. Even if it had been a short week, she could definitely notice her increase in stamina as the distance between her and the struggle grew.

Yuumai came to a panting stop as her energy ran out. She had at least made it a mile or so. Even if she felt a bit safe without hearing anyone behind her, she began to search for cover. It was idiotic to stand exposed out in the open.

The only suitable spot she could find was in the trees. With an annoyed huff at the need for more energy, Yuumai focused her chakra to her feet. Unlike when she first learned it, she didn't even pause before climbing the tree. Her journey was slower than her usual one as she tried to quiet her footsteps. If the men chasing her were skilled enough, though, surely they would hear her anyway. This was her internal argument as she finally just darted up the tree.

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