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Relevant Tags: Retelling, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Pirates, High Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Magic, YA

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Relevant Tags: Retelling, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Pirates, High Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Magic, YA


||Wattys Longlist 2018||
||The Fiction Awards 2018 Best Fantasy Winner||

     A happily ever after can mean many things. For Ashlin Crest, it means marrying the prince of her dreams and escaping the step-family that has mistreated her for years. 

      She is only one step away from it when her legs turn into fins and pirates steal her fiance right before her eyes. Alone and under the effects of magic that she doesn't understand, she quickly gives chase, refusing to lose her happy ending. 

     But the sea is unforgiving to those who underestimate it, and Ash quickly learns she only has one way to survive: she has to join a band of misfit pirates whose members are plagued by magic just like her. 

     With her new crew by her side, Ash will have to find the inner strength to claim her happily ever after. But with a magic-hungry pirate and a siren against her, the last strike of midnight could shatter everything she holds dear.


(please note, this was written 2+ years ago)

She was beautiful.

Sandy blond hair that had previously been in a messy bun cascaded down her back in a wave of curls. The dirt that had once flecked her body was gone, showing the smooth, pale skin beneath. Her simple dress had been replaced with a flourishing light blue gown that matched her eyes. The final touch came in the glass slippers that were a blue a few shades lighter than her dress.

"Ashlin Crest, you shall make even the princesses at the ball jealous," her fairy godmother said. There was a slight hitch in her tone, almost as if she was trying not to cry.

The young girl beamed. It was such an innocent, heartfelt smile that the fairy godmother was sure any normal person would feel guilty even thinking of wronging her. It was that pure beauty that made her so sure the girl would steal the prince's heart.

"Only because of you," Ashlin insisted. She stepped forward to take the fairy godmother's hands into her own. "If not for you, I would never have this chance."

Tears building within her eyes, Ashlin released the fairy's hands to embrace her instead. Although at first caught off guard, it only took the fairy a moment to smile and hug her back. It wasn't often that she received a hug, and it felt oddly warm.

"Well, we shouldn't dwell for too long," the fairy godmother chided, pulling away from the teary-eyed girl. "The spell that has changed your appearance will only last until midnight, and we still have a few things to take care of."

Dabbing away a tear that had escaped, Ashlin nodded. "Of course. Just tell me what you need me to do."

"Well, first, I need you to get me a pumpkin from your garden."

Ashlin raised her eyebrows. "If you say so." Despite her apparent uncertainty, Ashlin hurried off to get what was needed.

It was then the fairy finally allowed her mask to fall. The once kind smile morphed into a mocking sneer as Ashlin vanished around a corner. The foolish girl had fallen into her clutches so easily. If things continued going so smoothly, the threat of the prince would be eliminated just as she had planned. All she needed was for the prince to fall for Ashlin, and she already knew that would happen. The mirror had told her so, and it was never wrong.

She was going to be the strongest fairy, and she would take out anyone who stood in her way.

The girls would definitely be jealous of Ashlin Crest when she arrived. But they would be far from envious of her fate.

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