10 - Betrayal

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"Put some elbow grease into it then!"

Sakai's voice rang through the kitchen, snapping like a whip at the young apprentice. He quavered in fear, having made the mistake of complaining to the chef. Then again, nobody was ever prepared for the terrifying man. His old, weathered appearance gave people the impression that he was weak. They couldn't be further from the truth.

"Bu-but, Chef, I-I didn't do all of it. Why am I the only one wh-who has to clean th-this? I-It's s-so hard." The apprentice glanced away, refusing to meet Sakai's eyes. Instead, he tried to use them to beg one of his coworkers to help him.

Nobody dared offer.

A low, annoyed growl came from the older man. Then he barked, "Then maybe next time you won't be foolish enough to horseplay in my kitchen, eh?" If possible, his glare grew more intense. "Of course, there will not be a next time, will there, Satoshi?"

"No, sir...."

"Speak up and look me in the eyes!"

Slowly but surely, Satoshi began to look at the kitchen master. "No, sir, there will not be a next time."

After a few more moments of tense eye contact Sakai gave a satisfied huff and turned away. "A wimp, just like all the rest."Before he had a chance to continue his inspection of the kitchen, a quiet voice from the front spoke out.

"Chef Sakai, I'm sorry to bother you," a small voice said, "but I need to ask you something." Mimi had stuck her head through the door to the actual restaurant, watching the scene unfold. Like she should, she had waited until Sakai finished to speak.

"What is it, Mimi?" His voice softened considerably as he addressed his granddaughter.

"Some shinobi want directions, Chef Sakai."

Despite his seeming untiring exterior the man let out a tired sigh. "Tell them I'll be right with them then." Once Mimi had left, the chef turned his piercing gaze to the many workers. "Everything had better be first-rate when I get back, got it?"

A chorus of "Yes sir" answered him.

Nodding his approval, Sakai left the kitchen. The restaurant was, as usual, busy with travelers, shinobi, and Dune Village residents. The stools at the bar were full for the most part, and at least half the tables and booths were occupied. He felt a swell of pride at how well his restaurant was doing.

"This is the owner and top chef of Amatsu Kaze(*1), Chef Sakai Rokusaburo." Mimi said, her voice drawing Sakai's focus to the shinobi she had mentioned before. "Chef Sakai, these are the Sand shinobi travelers."

Even without the introduction, Sakai would have been able to tell the two were shinobi of the Sand. The man wore the usual Sand jonin gear. Both also had a Sand headband. At least the man did. The teen girl with him had a metal plate on the back of her glove with the Sand symbol.

As the old man truly focused on the girl, his eyebrows rose. Her completely pink outfit stood out against her dark complexion, and her hair flowed like water slightly past her butt. He knew Mimi was beautiful. It wasn't because it was his granddaughter that he knew this, but it was because it was a fact. This young girl, however, had some sort of exotic beauty that allowed her to surpass Mimi's.

"Hello, Chef Sakai. I am Raido Gansaku, and this is one of my students, Hime Enjin. It is quite a fine restaurant you have here."

Sakai couldn't help but smile as the words increased his already fresh pride. "Thank you. I am pleased that I have another satisfied customer. And seeing as one of the things we here at Amatsu Kaze promise is customer service, how may I help you?"

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