chat blanc x ladybug

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As ladybug ran and ran in darkness to try to hide from chat blanc as he chased her I'm pure darkness she decided to hide and think things straight in a old big warehouse but then she thought he might find her so she ran to the police department, as she found the police station she knocked the door but no one answered.

"Please open up!!" Said ladybug as chat blanc was right behind her, "awww poor ladybug all scared but no we're to hide" said chat blanc as he pinned her to the wall in a alley in the back of the police station.

"Let me go!!! Touch Me I'll kill you" said ladybug screaming at chat blanc but he didn't seem to care, "say all you want you can't escape Me now" said chat blanc as he tried looking for the zipper to strip her. "Tell me we're the God dam zipper is " said chat blanc as he strangeled ladybug, "N-Never" said ladybug, "if you don't tell me right away your friends will die" said chat blanc as ladybug then told him, "it's in the back near my neck" said ladybug finally telling him to stop him from hurting his friends.

"Such soft and tender skin ladybug I'm going to eat you up from head to toe" said chat blanc as ladybug widens her eyes in fear, "p-please no!! Don't stop!! Help!! " screamed ladybug trying to get him off her.

"Finally I can make my dreams come true" said chat as he took her full suit off, "you bastard!! How could you do this to someone!!" Said ladybug screaming for help still, "darling I'm not the other idiot you call chat noir" soad chat blanc as licked her back neck and then her front, "he's not an idiot!! He's kind and respectful you... Your pathetic and a creep" said ladybug as blanc got angry just by hearing her annoying voice.

"Don't mention him CHAT NOIR I am better and smarter than him and I am better than any other guy you've met" said chat blanc as he took the chance to kiss her as she screamed at him, as he kissed ladybug she shaked and tried to kick Him of her but he holds her tight not letting go, "noo.. Let go!! " said ladybug screaming to her lungs, "never" said chat blanc as he then ties ladybug up.

"I'm getting so hard just by looking at your goddesses body" said chat balnc as he then took off his suit and rubbed his dick near her entrance, "no don't you dare rub that filthy thing near me!! " said ladybug as he pushed inside her, "feels so good" said chat blanc as he started pushing in and out of ladybug like if he was possed to by lust, "ahhh.. No.. Make it stop!!!!" Said ladybug as she couldn't take it any longer.

"Oh my God I'm about to cum and it's so much" said chat blanc as he then came inside ladybugs pussy filling her up, "nooo... Pull it out... " said ladybug as she them felt layers and layers of thick cum fill inside her pussy and causing her to drip and not feel her legs, "no no no come back Here I'm not satisfied yet" said chat blanc as he made her suck his dick, "ahhhh your good at this" said chat blanc as ladybug sucked his dick deep.

*some good while after this 👉👌👉👌👉👌👉👌👉

"Fuck that was so good thanks ladybug" said chat blanc as he left ladybug covered in cum while some more cum flowed out of her.

*as she layer their her eyes cried as she knew she got rapped by a guy she didn't love and was no longer adriens first*

I hope you guys liked it, if your not ok with rape then you should have read this

Well to late you sole your soul to satan

🌺See ya until next time 🌺

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