C H A P T E R: 2

29 3 2

Update to playlist: Little Hell by (of course) City and Colour I don't know why I didn't add it earlier

Oh and song to the side is Red Heart by Hey Rosetta! ----------->

That is also going to be added to the playlist if it isn't already there.

Enjoy! :D


C H A P T E R  2

 It had been hours since they had started cleaning -well mostly Cole, Remi mostly sat back and watched, occasionally snacking on chips- and Cole was starting to get hungry.

 Up until then Cole had been chattering non-stop to Remi about his life --not that Remi minded, that just meant that part 1 of her plan had worked; get Cole to loosen up and be more comfortable around her.

 He told her anything and everything about him. Starting from the time his parents had finally let him go out and explore his neighborhood as a kid which resulted in him getting lost for hours until finally one of his neighbors found him and took him home.

 He told her about all the things that his parents did to restrict him from living his life -which was a lot- with Remi chiming in occasionally about how much of an asshole they were to which Cole denied vehemently. No matter how bad his parents had treated him, he still seemed to stick up for them. Remi couldn’t see herself doing that for her family -well former family.

 Cole told her about his first kiss with his then girlfriend when he was 14 at homecoming. The girl then proceeded to tell him how horrible he was at it --Remi had sniggered at that-- and dumped him.

 It went on like that with Cole telling his life story and Remi making snide comments up until he went on to his future plans. Remi cut him off then, suggesting that they go out for lunch before he continued.

 He agreed and half an hour later, they were situated in a small restaurant overlooking the Eiffel Tower.

  "Hey," Cole said a thought suddenly popping into his head as he slurped up his tomato soup clumsily, some dripping onto his shirt. He smiled sheepishly as Remi raised an eyebrow, handing him a napkin.

  "Hey." She greeted.

 Cole continued. "I just realized that I've been telling you all about myself and yet I don't even know your name." He said, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

 Remi sighed, trying to decide whether she should tell him the truth or not. He had gone the whole day without realizing who she was. Maybe he truly didn't know, either that or he was more naive than she originally thought. After a moment, she decided against telling him, he would learn sooner or later.

 "Remi Winters," she started. "born December 21, 1990 in Washington D.C."

  Cole nodded in acknowledgement, taking in what she just told him. Then he realized something. "Wait, your birthday was yesterday?"

 She nodded nonchalantly, leaning back in her seat. "Yup." That part wasn't a lie, yesterday really was her birthday and she really had been born in D.C.

  He quickly added up the math in his head. "And you're what, 21?"

 She nodded again, picking at her Panini, and it was silent for a moment as he got lost in his thoughts. Now that he thought about it, he really didn't know anything about Remi and yet he found himself opening up to her more than he had anybody in his life.

 He sent her a thoughtful look as she stared blankly out the window, watching the snow fall. Even with the little make-up she had on, –eye-liner and light pink lip gloss-- she was a very pretty woman and he found himself wondering --for what must've been the hundredth time that day-- how he fell into the situation of meeting someone like her.

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