This year is just intro of HIGHSCHOOL?!

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"Good thing the all of us managed to reach the gate." Rosy sighed. "Or else we'll be late..."

"Wait........" Yui sighed.


"Must..... Get going.... WHAT?! I'M 10 MINUTES LATE?!"

"MUST.... GET.... GOING!!!"


"Wait........" Yui sighed.

"Rosy, we're not 3 when we're racing to school...." Yui said. "We forgot...."

"CAMERON!!!" Everyone remembered.

" WHAT'S WRONG WITH U MANN?!?!?" Crimson saw Cameron, crawling....

"Oh look, Camera's here." Thena mocked. "It's Cameron. -_- " Ash sighed.

"Cameron, Camera, what's the difference?" Mickey joined Thena mocking Cameron.


The Bacon Squad finally reached the classroom and found their seats.

Seating arrangement

From right (Top view):

-1st row
    Jimin, Jaemin, Rosy, Star, Cameron
-2nd row
    Yui, Mickey, Thena, Crimson

Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Esguerra (Sry ms, di ko po alam spelling e 😫) entered the classroom of 6-A, the star section, our section.

"Good morning Mrs. Esguerra." Class 6-A bowed.

"Good morning." Mrs. Esguerra bowed back. "Please take your seats."


After the class orientation, Mrs. Esguerra suggested to vote for the class officers.

After nominating and voting....

President               - Mickey
Vice President       - Claire (Not part of Squad)
Secretary                - Jeidi
Treasurer               - Thena
Auditor                  - Rosy
PRO                        - Crimson
Business Manager- James (Not part of Squad)

Homeroom ended. But before Mrs. Esguerra left, she told the class something....

"You are in the stage of "Graduating" Mrs. Esguerra said. "This year is just an intro for HIGHSCHOOL."

She left the classroom.

The squad's reaction:


Jeidi looked at the class schedule.

"So the next subject is...." Jeidi gasped. "MATH?!"

-yes, in 6 - loyalty Math is the 2nd period.

The whole class' reaction:

WHAT THE F-------

Bacon Squad [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now