Field Trip #2

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~continuation from the "Louieshley" part~

(Also, I made a mistake, Louie is supposed to be "Lui")


"Freaking shut up!" Lui exclaimed. "I wil seriously put duct tape in her mouth."

"Luishley! Luishley!" Kiran continued to cheer. "What?? It's fun!"

"Ugh." Lui sighed. "Help me with this ugly devil, Crimson. Crimson? Crimson...? Crimson!"

"Zzzzzzzz" Crimson was asleep. Cameron started shaking him for a few times then he woke up. "Wuwuwuwuuh?"

"Hahaha!" Thena giggled. "Good morning Senpai."

"Yo! Why is Ash silent?" Cameron asked. (Yiee.. He's concerned.) "Oh, I'm not sure." Lui looked at the girl beside him and he sighed. "She's asleep."

"Maybe because of last night." Crimson said. They looked at Crimson. "What happend last night." Lui asked.

"I don't think we should know." Cameron said. No one listened to him. "But we wanna know." Lui looked at Cameron with curiosity in his eyes.

"Why don't you want to know, Cameron?" Thena asked. Crimson smirked. "Cuz he's involved last night." Crimson said.

"WHAT?!" They yelled. "The heck did you do to Ash, Cameron?!" Lui asked. "Nothing! We just hanged out late!" Cameron's scared.

"Guilty as charged." Crimsom sighed. "You didn't do anything to her. Right?"

"Nope." Ash woke up. "We just ate ice cream in FloorGelato (lol what)."

Then everyone started laughing. But Lui just smiled.

"What's wrong?" Crimson patted Lui's back 2 times. "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine. I just saw how happy you guys are in a squad." Lui said.

"You can join ya know." An unknown voice said. "Here we go again." Thena sighed.

"Yo Charlotte." Crimson waved at her. "Always popping out of no where."

"You got that right, Foot Cream." Charlotte laughed. "Stop naming us 😑"

"Why?" Charlotte pointed at the other members. "There's Tin Can (Thena), Ash flood (Ash), Camera (Cameron) and Box (Lui)"

"Why am I a box?" Lui face palmed. "When you got stuck in the Christmas box last year, they thought you were a talking box." (#Legit)

"Anyways," Thena looked at her contacts. "I need to contact Star, our Tsundere leader of the squad, to make sure if the other members agree to let you in our squad."

They heard a cracking knuckles in front of them. "Calling me a Tsundere, founder-chan?" Star glared, she was the one cracking her knuckles.

"What? No...." Thena said sarcastically. "You misheard me. I said, 'our smart leader of the squad'."

"Smart and Tsundere is completely different from each other." Ash face palmed. "Anyways, the others think we should join Lui." Star said, elbowing Thena hard.

"Yayy!" The boys cheered. "A new male member!"

"Yayy!" The girls cheered. "A new gamer/otaku member!"

"Yayy!" Jaemin cheered. "A new nemesis to fight with!"

"Nemesis?" Everyone asked. The squad became silent. Then Mickey said: "I call dibs being their referee!"

"What?" Crimson asked. "I should be the referee!"

"Yup!" Lui sighed and smiled. "Being in this squad is fun."

"Luishley! Luishley!" Kiran cheered. Everyone lookes at her with a poker face.

"Shut up." They complained.

"Ready to fight, nemesis?" Jaemin smirked. Lui faced her and he smiled to. "Oh, I'm on!"
(Looks like Jaemin has a new Nemesis a.k.a. new Ship!) XD



Whatz up readers! Yeah ur ryt, I havent been updating for a while now. I'm too lazy to do the Science report and my AP homework so I just finished the short chapter.

Its short cuz the only point in this chapter is Lui joining our squad. Another news!

My new one-shot book is out! Bacon Squad One-shot is the title. I already published 2 chapters (micvan and billkey) so I dont think I want to miss it if i were you.

Also, read Mechamoonstone679's version of Bacon Squad One-shots! (Lemon.)

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