Walking home...

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"Baiiii!!!" Mickey waved her hand and walked near the gate.

It was dismissal, the sun is about to set.

"Mickey wait!" Ivan called the hazel haired girl. "Can I walk home with you?"

"Ok...?" Mickey turned to a tomato.

As usual, when this happens, Crimson and Thena is at her back... Smirking.

Mickey and Ivan walked home. Jaemin, Yui, Rosy and Cameron used Jaemin's van cuz they just live in the same street.

"Yo bish" Ash called Thena. Thena's reaction: 😐

"Yea?" Thena asked.

"Can we ride ur car to go home?" Ash asked wiping her glasses

(Sakamoto pose. Hehe.)

"Uh sry, I'm walking home." Thena sighed. "My driver informed me earlier that the car broke it's engine so... It might take weeks."

"Then we'll walk home with you!" Ash cheered. "Me and Onee san just live beside the mansion."

"You mean.." Thena grabbed her Meliodas plushy. "My house..?"

"Yes. Your mansion." Ash closed her "midget love" book and put it in her bag.

"Shall we ladies?" Crimson smiled.

"Onee san! How dare you ate all the Pockys in our house!" Ash got angry and fake punching her brother.

"What? I love them! Mom said we can take much as we want." Crimson mocked.

"WE" mom said." Ash glared.

Thena looked at the siblings, she sighed. She looked away and saw the beautiful sunset.

"One heck of a day." She whispered.

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