♡part 2♡

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Brooke pov:
I was so drunk that everything was spinning and I could under stand up and my best friend got me McDonald's she the best.

Mia pov:
I got brooke McDonald's because she not shutting up about it and I carried her up stair and threw her on her bed and said fucking good night

Mia pov
When I got up at 1:00 because making sure Brooke was ok and your wondering where I live, I live in California and I live with just Brooke and I remembered how great that talk was with Andrew last night and I decided to text him.

Mia typing....
hey Andrew you told me to text you last night and I don't know if you remember me.

Andrew pov
i see that there a message from Mia and I texted back

Andrew typing...
Of course I remember you babygirl and what's up 

Mia pov
I couldn't stop smiling and him calling me baby girl I loved it

Mia typing....
I'm just laying in bed rn and Hbu wyd

Andrew typing...
I'm just in bed too and I was wondering what you where doing this Friday ?

Mia typing...
I don't think I have anything this Friday and why ?

Andrew typing...
I was wondering if I could take you out to eat

Mia typing...

Andrew typing..
Andrew typing...
okay see you Friday Mia

 mine baby girl ♡  Where stories live. Discover now