Chapter three: when our stars align

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Your P.O.V
Today was the day, I can do this...right? 'Keep it together, don't forget to smile, and don't forget the spins at the end, ok...let's do this' I thought

"In the next short program performance please welcome to the ice (y/n) Baranovskaya the neon rainbow!!!!!!!!" The announcer yelled as the crowd went wild I put on a huge grin and skated onto the ice while waving to the crowd

My hair was in a side braid into a bun (if your hair is too short then a piece of your hair was braided back and bobby pinned),I wore my lucky neon skates with the French flag on the sides, skin colored tights, and a (f/c) dress with sequins and gems on it making me shimmer in the spotlight

I got into position, the music started and I began my movements the crowd was silent Lilia realized this and made everyone cheer me on to keep my focus off the music

Toe loop, lutz jump, a layback spin with catch foot, triple axel jump, a cantilever, then the hardest one a quad salchow followed by a flip jump and I nailed it then the last was the spins it was a biellmann spin into a camel spin then into a corkscrew sit spin then I eventually got to side sitting on the ground with one hand on the ice and the other in the air

And that's how it ended the music stopped and the crowd went wild I smiled and waved again blowing kisses here and there roses and different sorts of flowers were thrown on the ice all around me

I was so happy then I skated off the ice onto the side area for skaters everyone showed up right as they were going to give my score "(y/n) Baranovskaya...78.64" yes almost perfect score

Lilia walked up and gave me a hug "great job now your in first all that's left is your free skate" she said we chose the song 'shine' at first it sounds like a graceful sad song but then it gets very party like

Almost all the moves were ones usually not worth many points in the short program

I started with hydroblading then a waltz jump, pancake spin (this is a thing),quad lutz, a Russian split jump (this is also a thing), then a hair cutter spin and ended with a pose

The crowd went crazy they were dancing, clapping, and singing along it was like I was a rockstar giving my best performance

I skate to the side off the ice and take a seat I notice that no one has come to see me for a bit so I get a bit suspicious I stand up and walk to the back entrance and then I see it...her

Yuri's P.O.V
It had taken us awhile to get over to where we saw (y/n) sitting down but when we got the security said they saw her walk to the back entrance so we followed her

We turned the corner to finally find her but she was like having a stand off with this other girl they weren't saying anything just glaring until the unknown girl spoke

"Well well well what do we have here the neon god damn rainbow" she said with an obvious Russian accent "I don't think they noticed us" yuuri whispered
"Hello Anya, come to get your ass kicked again" (y/n) said

"Tch. As if I came to win this, I'm in the A bracket and your in the B bracket how pathetic" Anya said "no one gives a shit everyone is randomly selected for their brackets so shut up"(y/n) snapped

"Why don't you come over here and make me!" Anya exclaimed and spat in (y/n)'s face but before she could hit her Lilia grabbed her arm "that's enough (y/n) were done here" she said and walked off with us following behind

"Who was that girl (y/n)?" Viktor asked "Anya Poltanova my arch nemesis, me and her competed a lot against each other but the major one was last years ISU speed skating competition it was the finals me against her and I won, she's still jealous that I won too" she explained

"Well that was no way to act what if someone besides us were watching, you two could have gotten disqualified" Lilia scolded "désolé (sorry)" she mumbled

"(Y/n) Baranovskaya...145.10, total score 223.74, 2nd place" they announced, everyone cheered "see I told you, you'd do good" I say to (y/n)

"Well I haven't won yet" she said with a smile that made my heart flutter

*later that night*
Your P.O.V
(Your dream is in italics) i could feel the warmth that came from fire as if I were there again, I sat on the ground and watched as my house burned to the ground, I listened to the screams of children as they cried for their dead parents the sound rang in my ears I look up to see a man with a gun in his hands as he spoke in his thick Russian accent "wake up (y/n)"

I sat up in my bed and look to my right Yuri was there kneeling on the side of the my bed with worry in his eyes, I engulfed him in a hug and cried into his chest "shh, it's ok, it's ok I'm right here" he whispered

He sat in my bed and hugged me whispering in his native tongue into my ear as I cried into his chest until eventually I fell back to sleep

It was just me and him...Yuri, I look around we were on the ice but no one was there it was just us skating around as he lead me in circles I wasn't cold and I wasn't scared more like the opposite I was warm and happy that he was there with

I opened my eyes the room was a beautiful color of pink and orange because the curtains were opened and the sun was just coming up

I felt a pair of arms press me closer to something warm I look behind me to see Yuri sleeping he looked at peace his stoic expression was gone and he looked...innocent, vulnerable

He was hugging me from behind like how you would hold a teddy bear or stuffed animal, I guess my movements woke him up because his eyes fluttered open

"dobroye utro (good morning)" he said groggily and pulls me closer to him, I flip over so that I was facing him "...thank you" I say and rest my head on his chest

{Bittersweet Love} Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now