Chapter nine: feathers fall when angels are near

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Your P.O.V
As she took my hand and led me through the gate and through the snow that went up to our knees

Suddenly we heard men yelling behind us I was scared "don't worry, we have to run now" she said as she tugged my hand to go faster

While doing so I heard the bullets from their guns whizzing past us as she pulled me faster and faster getting closer to the forest

It wasn't very thick just a bunch of trees to hide where they were I could still hear their yells and gunshots behind us

Then our worst nightmare appeared a trench not that wide but still large enough not to jump across and it would take too long to go around tia noticed this and to save me she grabbed my arm and threw me across and I barley made it

I looked back at her "NASTIA!!!!!!" I yell "someday everything will make perfect sense so for now laugh at confusion, smile through tears and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for reason..." "*bang*"

I watched as her limp body fell to the ground, but for some reason I couldn't cry and I didn't scream I just stood there frozen

Then something came over me and I just...ran that's all I could do

Apparently what I learned later in my life was that I trudged through nineteen miles of frigid snow to the next town over Tomtor they found me because I knocked on someone's door

And they called the police, it look them awhile to get there because of the snow but they eventually found out who I was and that I had hypothermia and ammonia

They flew me to Moscow and I was treated while doing so they tried finding my parents but after looking into the city I lived in the whole village was burned to the ground...and I was the only survivor

The only person I knew besides my parents at the time was aunt Lilia so they gave custody of me to her at first I lived there with her but after she found out I liked to speed skate she found me a teacher

I remember it like it was yesterday I was so good at speed skating because of Nastia that I raced against elites and won only as a kid, soon I would be the crown jewel of speed skating all over the world

I was offered a spot in Russia's team but my home was in France so while Lilia was in Russia I was living in marseille

And that's how I got here....

Lilia's P.O.V
"That's why those men were after her, they're back and I think they want (y/n) but I don't know why...thank you again for saving her or else she probably wouldn't be here, spasibo (you guys should know this already but that means thank you in Russian)"I say to Yurio "I should be thanking you for introducing her to me" he said

*time skip*

Your P.O.V
I jolted up in the bed, I was in a hospital I look out the giant glass window door thing that acted like a wall and saw Lilia, Yuuri, viktor, and Yurio sleeping on the chairs outside

"What the..." my voice woke them up and their faces lit up as they ran in the room Yurio was the first one to jump onto the bed and hug me

"Are you ok?" Lilia asked "well obviously not if I'm in a hospital" I say and everyone laughed "no but really what happened all I remember is hearing gunshots?" I asked

"Apparently a group of Russian terrorist tried ruining the broadcast" Yuuri said "and Yurio was the one who saved you ~what a hero~" viktor said

Me and Yurio started blushing "y-you did?" I asked "y-yeah it was nothing though" he said "oh yeah getting shot in the arm is nothing" Lilia said sarcastically, viktor and Yuuri then start to snicker

"*gasp* are you ok Yurio?" I asked worriedly "yeah don't worry, as long as your alright I'm perfectly fine" he said "wow what a smooth pick up line Yurio, I've taught you well" viktor says

Yurio's blush darkened"SH-SHUT UP OLD MAN!!!!" He yelled while Lilia laughed and I giggled "I'm glad to see your still the same" Lilia said to me

" too" I say with a smile "welp they cancelled the games, kinda they just gave the medals to the first and second place winners so you and Yurio got a medal in speed skating but they're gonna do figure skating later they haven't set the dates yet" Lilia said "yeah they don't know when it's gonna be because some of the judges were critically injured" Yuuri said

"Oh that's terrible...when do I get out of here again?" I ask "in a couple of days, but don't worry...Yurio will be here to watch you because I have things to do, sorry I can't be here" Lilia said sounding not so happy about it

"No it's fine I'm sure Yurio will be fun to have around" I say and I look over to see Yurio's blush get a little darker "oo~oo~ Yurio gets to be here alone with (y/n) what fun" viktor said

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT IT!!!" Yurio yelled then the nurse walked in "(y/n) your awake don't worry you'll be up and running here in I'd say by tomorrow" she said "thank you"

*time skip*

It was now night time and I was still in the hospital but it was just me and Yurio "*yawn*" "are you tired?" I asked him "no no I'm fine-*yawn*" "here you can sleep with me that chair looks uncomfortable" I say

He starts to blush again "are you sure?" He asked "of course" I then scoot over so he could also lie down "*yawn*" "see your tired to-*yawn*" we then fall asleep like that

Yurio's P.O.V
When I knew she was asleep I wrapped my arms around her and kiss her forehead "ya lyublyu tebya moya ledyanaya printsessa (I love you my ice princess in Russian)"

{Bittersweet Love} Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now