Chapter four: when time stops for just a moment

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OH MY SIXJDBSOSJXMSKSJSNFNDJDJFNXNDJDKXKKDKDJDNCJDKDKCNFNJDJDNCNDJSKSJNFKFK...ok, not only do I have like 300 views on this but oh my fucking god the seventh episode though if you don't ship vikturi then why the fuck are you still here? It's going in the story now
Yuri's P.O.V
I walked out of her room and quietly close the door because (y/n) fell back asleep I turn around only to be faced by viktor and yuuri slowly walking by

Yuuri had a 'confused' face while viktor had a 'I know what you did and my thoughts are super perverted right now' face

"I-it's not what it looks like" I quickly say and start shaking my hands in defense "I think I know what it looks like" viktor said still with that stupid face, he looks over to Yuuri

"I think we should do what they were doing Yuuri" viktor said with a smirk, Yuuri paused then began to run with viktor chasing after him "you can't deny our love Yuuri!!!!!" Viktor yelled

"Those two I swear" I mumbled as I walked back to my room

*practice time*
Your P.O.V
"Ok guys your qualification round is in one week and I can still overlap you about two times, now this is improvement but not enough to win, so...TWENTY LAPS RIGHT NOW!!!!!"
I yelled

Then after twenty sweaty laps they were done "man I never knew how long twenty laps were" Yuuri said "tch, it wasn't that long" yurio said

"Ok now here's a tip you want to build up friction from your turns to go faster during the straight that's where you would usually pass other players" I explain "yeah I think the turns are where we are struggling" viktor says

I show them how to do the most known turns and the fastest to get friction but it's not the most relevant if you really want to get past people, every practice we would race to see how much they've improved which is practically how many times I overlap them

Yuko started the countdown from three as we get into position to start

"On your marks.get set...GO!!" We all blast off into starting speeds then the turns that's where I usually get them but yurio wasn't having it and was slowly catching up

"Your not getting away this time!!" He exclaimed "we'll see about that ~Yurio~" it really pisses him off calling him that but it's super fun and adorable

The last lap I hadn't overlapped anyone and that's a very good thing because that shows not only they improved tremendously but not only that most of the time in competitions I overlapped the fastest players

Yurio was right on my tail almost right next to me "watch (y/n) I'm gonna beat you" Yuri said "oh Yurio there's still more you need to learn" I say as we approached the last turn I did a different move that I created myself in fact I create a lot of turns that make me pass people most of the time

Yurio was in shock now I was far ahead of him then...I won like always but still the three of them weren't far behind

"Nice job guys I think your ready" I say "hey (y/n) what was that move you did at the end" Yuri asked "let me guess it's a move we can't learn cause it's too hard" Yuuri said "it's a move I made and no im gonna teach you guys it I want you to win so why not?" I ask

I turn to get off the ice but there was a dip in the ice for some reason making me trip but before I fell...Yuuri was the closest person so it was him who caught me

He stared into my eyes a bit to long for Yuri and Viktor's taste Yuri yanked me out of Yuuri's grasp and held me tightly while viktor did the same to Yuuri "STAY AWAY!!!" They yelled in unison while me and Yuuri had a 'wtf' face

*time skip*
..........he carried me back, don't know why I didn't even get my skates off and when we got back in he finally set me down "Yuri why did you carry me back?" I asked him "no reason" he grumbled while stomping off to his room and I followed

"Yuri what's wrong?" I asked "it's nothing" he tried shutting the door on me but I stopped it with my foot "Yuri...please talk to me" I say

He was silent and just looked to the ground, I hesitated but then hugged him he flinched at first but hugged back, I let go and turned to walk back but he stopped me "wanna go out to eat" by this he meant dinner

"What are you gonna carry me there too" I say jokingly he laughed and threw me over his shoulder "maybe"

*a week later*

It was the day of their competition in speed skating you normally don't wear the flashy costumes that you where in figure skating but more like a spandex suit with your flag on the back

Viktor and Yurio obviously had the Russian flag on their backs while Yuuri had Japan

After warming up a bit they stared the races the guys were on the B bracket so they didn't start till after this race the players got into position and...they were off one lap two laps three laps then four laps the winners were 1st a guy from South Korea 2nd was someone from Canada 3rd was someone from china

Now for their race me, Lilia and Yuuri's friends and family sat were sitting to the side where coaches and other important people sit or stand while watching them

Yurio, Yuuri, and Viktor skated onto the ice and we all cheered "GO YURIO!!!!!!!!" I screamed yurio looked over to me and smiled "I think he likes you (y/n)" lilia quietly so only I could hear while giving me a teasing nudge

I glared at here and proceeded to cheer the three of them, but at the same time I felt nervous for them what if they don't qualify!!!! Now I know how coaches feel

"" they all took of with someone from England in the lead "stupid pig dogs" I mumble it's a French thing

Yurio was behind him while viktor was in third and Yuuri in fourth the crowd was a mixture of yells and screams cheering on their wanted champion

Then it happened.....the guy in the lead from England tripped on his own skate and fell into the side now here's a little tip for you in speed skating if you somehow fall during the race (which happens more than you think) from yourself messing up and tripping they WILL NOT restart the race you just have to deal with last but if it was because someone else tripped you then that person is fouled and depending on if it was intentional or not they would restart

And because he tripped himself he was in last place making it so Yurio was in 1st, viktor in 2nd, and Yuuri in third "YEAH GOOD JOB GUYS KEEP IT UP" I yelled

It was the third lap and the were still in their spots but someone from Italy was catching up to Yuuri "LETS GO YUURI YOU GOT THIS DONT LET HIM BEAT YOU!!" I yelled at him

Final lap, Yuri ended up in first, viktor in second and Yuuri in...

{Bittersweet Love} Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now