Chapter eight: Stars can't shine without darkness

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A/n: this includes some touchy topics for reader~Chan in the story and shout out to Skyella01 for guessing this chapter right :)
Last time:she ran up and gave me a hug "good job Yurio you were...amazing" she looked deep into my gaze as our faces got closer until...

Your P.O.V
"*BANG BANG*"...gunshots?!?! Oh no not this again for me this was like a trigger sound all the memories flooded back in too many for me to handle then.....

I blacked out

Yurio's P.O.V
I was so close but now my princess is in trouble and she needs my help I pick her up bridal style and take cover "come on (y/n) wake up" I say worryingly

I saw as people around me get shot luckily not any important body parts but they were in trouble too and needed help but I could only think about her

"Bring me her head" a man said over the intercom 'please don't mean (y/n) please don't mean (y/n)' I thought then I got a feeling that I needed to hide

I quickly squish me and (y/n) into a nearby locker a couple seconds later a few men ran past us and looked around "damnit I swear they were right here" one of them said but they were speaking all of this in...Russian, and were holding guns

'What do they mean who are they looking for' "I don't care let's just hurry and find her she couldn't have gone far" another one said and they all spoke in Russian 'what they doing here?'

They quickly left and I slowly opened the locker and stepped out I held (y/n)'s limp body tightly in my arms I had to get her out of here but I bet they blocked all exits

'I know let's try the roof and hope they don't see us' I thought then I slowly and carefully walked around looking for the way up making sure not to be seen

I found it eventually but as I was cautiously running up the stairs I heard a gunshot and felt a very painful feeling in my arm but that won't stop me from protecting her with my life if I have to

Luckily I got on the roof and locked the door before anything else happened but now we were freezing in the cold winter wind and snow for who knows how long

But luck was on our side and a helicopter flew over our heads and onto the roof as I saw police officers and swat members jump out of cars outside the building and out of the helicopter

"Is she ok?!??" One of them asked and had to yell for me to hear "no she passed out and I'm shot!!" I yelled over the loud noise of the helicopter

"Don't worry come with me" he took (y/n) and me and put us in the helicopter as we flew off he attended to my wound and another girl took care of (y/n)

But then I realized 'we forgot Lilia, viktor, and Yuuri...wait no they left early something about viktor's dog, oh thank god' I thought

*time skip to hospital*
"Luckily she didn't hit her head but she won't wake up and we can't find out why, but we'll still try" the doctor explained "thank you doctor" Lilia said

For some reason (y/n) won't wake up it's only been a day but still...I'm worried "hey me and viktor are gonna go get you guys some more food we'll be back but it might take us awhile because of all the snow" Yuuri said

"You want to come Yurio?" Viktor asked me "no I'm staying here" I say "man you act like a married couple" viktor replied "not right now viktor" I mumble "...your right I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that..udachi (good luck in Russian)" viktor said then he and Yuuri left

Now it was just me and Lilia, after some time I think we both started getting restless till she broke the silence "look Yuri after this experience I now really trust you so to pass the time I'm going to tell you a story but don't ever tell anyone alright" she said quietly

"Alright" I gently said

"ok...once upon a time there was a little girl, she was the only child and loved her parents dearly and they loved her too"

*flashback Lilia is still telling Yuri this* Your P.O.V
I woke up to be lying down on the soft grass outside my home I felt warm I was back in the memory like before I watched as my house burned down and children screaming cried for their parents, but where are mine? I look up to see a man holding a gun but this time he smirked at me and yelled "I found a good one boys!!" He picked me up and at first I struggled against him and screamed for help but I realized no one would save me

Apparently they took me to a place some what close to oymyakon the coldest town in Russia with about 500 people living there

I woke up to be in a small coat lying on a small bunk bed in a large room filled with other bunk beds and children I was extremely cold and the coat wasn't doing anything

A girl approached me "hello dere my name nastia but just call me tia" she didn't really speak English very well and at the time I barely knew any either she was from Ukraine

"Bonjour j'mappelle (y/n) where I?" I asked "I no sure but you and me friends?" She asked "ami?" I ask "no f r i e n d s" she slowly said trying to make me understand "oh, druz'ya (friends)?" But luckily we both spoke a little Russian I knew it because of aunt Lilia

After that day tia did so much for like sneak me extra coats, hats, and food and when we were forced to dig holes into the freezing ground for an unknown reason she'd help me if I wasn't finished in time

One day she took me to the frozen lake and took me onto the ice she was calm and steady while I slipped and slid almost falling if it wasn't for her everyday she'd take me back to the ice and teach me how to ice skate until one day we were so good we had races and little dances for all the other kids

One time we even performed for the adult people they loved it but we still had to go back to work

One day while digging my hole I heard sirens going off tia ran up to me "come come follow" was all she said as she took my hand and led me through the open gate that was usually closed

"Why we leave we get trouble?" I asked but she never answered

A/n: there will be part two next week I have to slow down on updates if the story will go to plan I'm sorry 😓 I won't update till next week

{Bittersweet Love} Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now