Chapter Eleven Bumping Into You Was Fate?

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Natalie's POV

"What was that all about?" Zayn asks looking up at Niall.
"Kendall was the one who kidnapped Bentley. But, he doesn't look like Bentley anymore. He has brown hair, and he's scared to even look at me." Niall says as he tries to fight back the tears.
"Don't worry Niall. We'll get him back." Zayn says.
  "I sure hope so." Niall says quietly as he went back to his menu.
"Mummy, what's wrong with daddy?" Bexley asks quietly.
"He's just a bit sad. That's all." I say giving her a small grin.
After that, she got out of her seat and went over to Niall and hugged him. Niall was startled at first, but hugged her back.
"What was that for princess?" Niall asks looking at her.
"You were sad so I gave you a hug." She says feeling proud of herself.
"Awe. Thank you princess. Daddy really needed that." He says kissing her cheek as he set her back down.
"Hi, have y'all decided on what you'd like?" Our waitress Brenda asks.
"Um, yeah we'll have a Veggie Burger please." Gigi and Rebeka say together smiling.
"I'll have the cheeseburger with Fries please." Harry says.
"Same." Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis say as the waitress rights that down.
"I'll have the Caesar salad." Sasha says closing her menu.
"I'll have the Chicken Fettuccine." Vicky says handing me the menu.
"I'll have the chicken nuggets. What do you want Bexley?" I ask.
"Mommy food." She says pointing to a picture.
"She'll have the same as me." I say as I hand the waitress my menu.
"Ok. Your food will be right out." She says walking away.

Niall's POV

  "So Niall, how are we gonna get Bentley back from Kendall?" Harry asks as he takes a sip of his drink.
  "I have no clue. I think we need to get Paul involved. Then again, Bentley doesn't look like Bentley anymore." I explain.
  "There has to be something we can do though Niall. We can't let Kendall get away with this." Rebeka says.
  "I know. But, I feel like she's just gonna take off with him again. We need Paul to help us. I don't want you girls to get involved too much. I don't want you to get hurt." I say explaining it the best I could.
  "Niall, this is our son you are talking about. Yeah you use to date Kendall freaking Jenner. So what? Yeah she maybe jealous that we got married, but to be honest, I think she wants him to get back at you to make you feel the way she did after you broke up. And that was the hurt she felt." Natalie says before walking away to the bathroom.
  "We'll go check on her." Gigi says as her and the girls get up.
  "Niall, we will plan this to get Bentley back. We just can't let the girls know." Liam whispers.
  After that, we discussed the plan and sent the text to Paul.
  "He's gonna help us." Zayn says smiling.
  "Hey we're back." Natalie says taking a seat next to me.
  "I'm sorry Nats." I say hugging her.
  "Me too Niall. I was just upset."
  "Here you guys go. Dinners on the house." The waitress says after she sets our food down onto the table.
  The plan is in motion.

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