Chapter Fifteen Niall Please Wake Up

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Niall's POV

"So, Kendall does have our son?" I ask getting angry.
"By the looks of it, yes. And since she kidnapped him and she took him across the border and into America, she could face up to ten years. But, with her record and her family being role models, it'll be hard to keep her no longer then two to six months. Maybe even a year." He says.
"I gotta get outta here." I say getting up and leaving.

Before The Accident

  After I walked out, I called Louis and talked to him as I made my way to the car.
  "Hey Nialler. What's up?" Louis asks after he answers.
  "So i was at the Detectives station and they gave me some news I wasn't expecting." I explained getting into the car.
  "Was it about somehow getting Bentley back?" He asks.
  "Yeah. But Kendall would hardly be getting any jail time though. She would only be getting about six months to a year basically." I explained.
  "What! That's stupid. Why can't she get more time?" Louis asks again.
  "The detective is gonna try but he said that there's no promises. If she has good behavior then they'll let her out early." I say sounding disappointed.
  "Oh wow. I'm sorry about that Niall. Hey I gotta get going. Freddie just woke up from his nap and I have to go get Victoria from the airport after I take Freddie back to his mums place." Louis explains.
"Ok. I'll talk to you more about it later than." I say.
"Ok. Talk to you later." He says before hanging up.
After I hung up, I looked down at my phone then back at the road. Next thing I know, I am tossed from my car and land in a ditch. I looked around before the darkness took over my body.

Natalie's POV

At The Hospital

When Ed, Perrie, Bexley and I got to the hospital, I rushed inside with Bexley in my arms to search for Niall's room.
"Excuse me, what room is Niall Horan in?" I ask once I get to the front desk.
"I'm sorry ma'am. But we have had people impersonating Mrs. Horan and Bexley all day. There's no way I can let you know his information." The nurse says as she looks at me with disgust.
"Excuse me, but you better wipe up that nasty look on your face oh wait, that's your natural look." I say as I return the look she was giving me.
"Ma'am, I think it's time for you to leave. And, you do NOT look like that slutty wife of his, and that daughter that Natalie and him have, doesn't look like him. For all we know, her children could be that guy Ed Sheeren's kids. Where else would the brat's red hair come from other then the mums." She says with a snooty attitude.
"And as a matter of fact, I AM Natalie Horan, and this IS HIS daughter Bexley. Ed is my BROTHER! Where's your boss? Actually no, where's your manager. I'm sure he'd love to hear about my complaints. As well as hearing how you treat the patients family members." I say returning the attitude.
"Nancy, go to my office NOW!" A man says from behind her.
  "Y-yes M-Mr. Johnson." She says as she rushes to his office.
  "I'm sorry Mrs. Horan. She's been like this ever since she started working here." He explains.
  "It's fine. I just don't want people to say things about my family and saying who I am or not." I say.
  "Ok. She will be getting fired though Mrs. Horan. And he is in room 606 and it's the last door on the right." He says giving me the directions.
  "Thank you sir." I say setting Bexley down and head down the hall to Niall's room.
  When we get to his room, I see Ed walking down the hall with Perrie.
  "Hey what are you guys doing here? I thought you two went home after you dropped me off." I say hugging them.
  "Perrie was telling me that we should've came up here with you so you guys aren't alone." Ed says.
  "Awe, thanks guys. Do you think you too can watch Bexley for me so I can see how he is before I take her in there?" I ask picking Bexley back up.
  "Yeah no problem. I'll take her down to the cafeteria so we can have girl time." Petrie says taking her from my arms.
  "Thanks Perrie." I say as her and Bexley walk away.
  "Ready to go in?" Ed asks grabbing my attention. I nodded.
  When we walked into the room, I saw that Niall was connected to a few machines. I couldn't help but start to tear up.
  "Ed, what if they cancel the rest of tour because the accident? Niall was so excited about the tour." I ask quietly.
  "Don't worry. They will probably just push it back a while if he doesn't get better." Ed explains hugging me.
  "I wanted to tell him that we were gonna be getting Bentley back within a matter of days since they just caught Kendall." I say looking at him.
  "I'm sure he can hear what your gonna say." Ed says smiling.
  After a couple of minutes, I started talking to Niall.

I'll have the conversation and everything in the next chapter.

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