Chapter Twenty On The Road Again

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Niall's POV

  It's been about a month since my accident. My relationship that I had with Bentley before he was taken, is gone. He doesn't want anything to do with me, and that really hurts. When Natalie tells him that her and Bexley are gonna go have a girls day and that he has to stay with me, he cry's.
  "Hey Bentley. You have to stay with daddy today. Everyone else is busy and your sister has to go to her dance class." Natalie says trying to explain it to Bentley.
  "But I want to come." He says as tears start to fall.
  "I know you do Bentley, but I have to watch your sister and I can't do that with you running around. I need you to stay with daddy." She explains once again.
  "Hey Bentley, do you want to watch a movie?" I ask.
  "NO!" Bentley yells crying as he jumped on Natalie crying even harder.
  "Niall, I'm gonna take him to his room and sneak out." Natalie whispers. I nod.
  After Natalie takes Bentley upstairs, she quickly picks up Bexley and her bag and was out the door. I watched as she drove away and I was hoping that Bentley wouldn't hate me too much.
  About an hour later, Bentley came rushing down the stairs looking for Natalie. After he realized that her and Bexley weren't there, he began crying.
"Bentley, I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." I say kneeling down beside him.
After a couple of minutes, I got my guitar and started playing it in hopes that Bentley would calm down.

I got a heart
And I got a soul
Believe me I will use them both
We made a start
Be it a false one, I know
Baby, I don't want to feel alone

So kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
All I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you
I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18

We took a chonce
God knows we tried
Yet all along, I knew we'd be fine

So pour me a drink, oh, love,
Let's split the night wide open and we'll see everything
We can livin' love in slow motion, motion, motion

So kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
And all I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you, oh
And I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18

When we were 18
Oh, Lord, when we were 18

Kiss me where I lay down
My hands pressed to your cheeks
A long way from the playground

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing

To be loved and to be in love

And all I could do is say that these arms were made for holding you
I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18
I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18
I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18

After I stopped singing, I looked at Bentley and saw that he stopped crying and was looking up at me and smiling.
"You want me to keep singing Bentley?" I ask looking at him and smiling.
"Yes dad." He says smiling and clapping.

Counted all my mistakes and there's only one
Standing out from the list of the things I've done
All the rest of my crimes don't come close
To the look on your face when I let you go

So I built you a house from a broken home
And I wrote you a song with the words you spoke

Yeah, it took me some time, but I figured out
How to fix up a heart that I let down

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