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Anna watched Lenny walk back inside. She continued to sit outside and watch the sunset eventually once the sun had set and the night sky replaced it she went inside.

She still wasn't comfortable with Julia, she felt like the only reason she was apologising was because her son and husband told her too.

She played with Adelaide and Leo while David and Lenny cooked the meat on the barbecue.

Adelaide had started to use "No!" Less and less.

The twins were truely beautiful children and Anna loved spending time with them. They had become obsessed with the game "round and round the garden" where Anna would sing:

Round and round the garden,
like a teddy bear,
One step,
Two step,
A tickle under there.

They giggled and giggled like it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Anna! Dinners ready" Lenny said walking into the bedroom and smiling at his twins
He picked up Adelaide and Anna took Leo. They sat down and ate barbecue meat and salad aand made small talk.

"So Anna where did you go to college?"

Anna would explain that she had not been but was looking at studying something after they got married.

"What did you do back in Italy?"

Work at the family bakery.

"How did Lenny purpose?"

That one took the pair both by surprise.

"Well" Lenny said "I think that Anna should be the one to tell the story"

"Well he asked me while we were walking in a park in Sydney. No ring that came later but I said yes" Anna looked at Lenny "He wrote a long speech and recited it to me it was beautiful and it was just how I wanted it" Anna said

Julia looked at Lenny "Good boy I taught you how to propose like a gentleman"

Lenny continued to eat his dinner quietly Anna knew he was thinking about Grace. She wondered how he proposed to her.

Dinner was over quickly and Anna picked up the twins to put them to bed in Lenny's room "No!" Adelaide yelled

"Did she just say no?" David asks

Anna blushed remembering the story "Yes she doesn't seem to want to let it go"

Lenny laughed "She will eventually"

After they were tucked into bed. David sat the pair down with a notepad at the ready. "What can we do money wise to help with this wedding?"

"Oh Dad no it's all paid for" Lenny smiled "Really all I need you to do is show up!"

"So Italian themed hey what does that include?" He asks

"A fourteen course meal, cake and espresso" Lenny says "All your favourite things!"

"Sign me up and you're sure you can get Romeo here in time?"

"Positive his flight is booked and he should be here next Saturday." Lenny said "It's why we have to leave tomorrow we have a bucket load of wedding planning to do!"

Julia placed her hands on David's shoulder "Which is why we should let them get some rest! See you in the morning" she says

Anna walks back to her room and checks her phone there is a list from Alisha of what needs to be finalised this week, the list is long
Wedding dress,
Suit fitting,
Twins clothing,
Reception venue
Table seating
The list just goes on and Anna feels she might not be able to do a wedding in a week.

 Italian Mail Order Bride #2 in OFW series Where stories live. Discover now