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They were in the hotel room in dressing gowns after their adventure, they had gone to the aquarium and the under ground tunnels in Istanbul they were so tired they ordered room service and were eating hamburgers.

Lenny smiled as Anna took a big mouthful of her burger. "What?" She asked once she'd swallowed the juicy burger.

"Just most girls don't eat burgers in front of boys."

"Well don't flatter yourself, a girls gotta eat." She said. "So your thoughts on Chamomile following you all the way to Istanbul?"

Anna was surprised that Chamomile knew they were going to Istanbul and that she was very fascinated by Lenny.

"Maybe she really is with that guy." Lenny shrugged. "

"Has she always been this into you?" Anna asked.

"Well maybe I don't know, can we not talk about Chamomile please?" He said eating a French fry

"Fine twenty questions then." Anna said "Might as well get to know some stuff about my husband."

"Fire Away." He said

"First kiss?" Anna asked curiously.

"I was seventeen at a party." He said "Her name was Bridget."

"Allergic to anything?"

"Parsley." He said says

"Biggest fear?" She asked

"Falling in love again." Lenny said

"Favourite song?"

"Wonderful Life by smith and burrows" Lenny said

"Favourite food?"


"Favourite drink?"


"Greatest thing in your life?"

"My kids."

They went back and forth discussing things about each other they had never really bothered to ask.
Lenny had discovered Anna's favourite colour was blue, she had one tattoo behind her ear, she had three piercings, her biggest fear was being stuck in the middle of the ocean her legs dangling underneath the depths of the ocean for a shark to come and attack her.

Anna had discovered that Lenny's favourite colour was silver, he had one tattoo on his bum cheek that he got as a drunken dare. He had no piercing and Lenny's biggest fear was falling in love again and snakes.

"Tell me about your Mum and Your dad their names and their story." Lenny asked her.

Anna swallowed.

"My Mother's name was Elenora Mereci and my my father's name was Stefano Alessi. They met when my mother was 20 and my father was 22, he was managing the family restaurant and my mother was at university studying art. My mothers parents didn't like that she was choosing such a silly profession over being a doctor or a lawyer or a banker, my Ma was one of the best artist's I'd ever seen, and I didn't say it because she was my mother." Anna said smiling at the memory of her mother painting.

"They met at the restaurant my family owned, my Papa always said that as soon as he saw my Ma he just knew that this woman was going to carry his children and be his love; my Ma however didn't really see him that way she wanted to sell my papa some of her art to go in the restaurant blinded by love Papa accepted and bought the art without looking at it. It needed up being a portrait of a naked woman." Anna smiled. "So as the days went on my Papa tracked down my Ma and asked her on a date, she accepted to be nice and one year later they were married and were running the family restaurant, together. My Ma really struggled to fall pregnant she had two miscarriages and the doctors told my mother that she'd probably only be able to carry one child." Anna said "Obviously they were wrong as she went on to have nine, so obviously Bonfolio came along and then Cara and Gabrielle and-"

 Italian Mail Order Bride #2 in OFW series Where stories live. Discover now