I doubt

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You keep on telling me that you love me.

I doubt.

You told me how much I mean to you.

I doubt.

You keep reminding me that you'll do everything for me.

I doubt.

You keep on saying the word love.

I doubt.

You keep saying that I'm the one.

I doubt.

Whatever words that comes through your mouth.

I doubt it all.

Wanna know why?

Because your words are a lot different from your action.

How could I possibly trust you?

When you keep on telling me you love me but you never show it.

How can I proved that your saying the truth?

When you keep on lying to me.

How could I believe that you really love me?

When you also said those words to other girls.

I couldn't believe your words when you hardly show it.

Your words contradict your actions.

I'll stop doubting you when you start giving me real love.

Because words without action is useless.

And action without words is confusing.

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