The meet up

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In the morning I woke up to find the duvet on the floor. At first I was thinking about the night before at first I thought it was dream until I found his number on my bedroom cabinet I smiled and checked my phone and saw his number was also in my phone I messaged him "hey" and with in seconds he replied "hi did you ever phone my mate and thanks for the coffee last night I think it was the best ever" I forgot to tell Maddie I was going to take her daughter to Michaels friends but I never did I flicked through my contacts looking for Maddie's number "hey madz I just want to let you know that I met Michael bublé last night and he said that his mate wouldn't mind looking after carlina so I can do the concert sorry for bailing but I can pick her up after the concert xx"it took a few moments for it to click that I had met my idol that I've loved since I was young "I'm sorry WHAT?!?! How did to meet Michael BUBLÉ and when?" I told her I would explain later if we met up I ask Michael if he wanted to meet up and he agreed I grabbed my keys and my bus pass and jumped on the bus to met them both. Around half an hour drive into Vancouver I met them at joey burrads. Michael was the first for me to confront and eventually Maddie showed. She couldn't believe I was standing with my idol Michael Bublé so she acted all cool and all that jazz. She chose to talk in a very posh accent which was a British one although we were from Britain. We sat down at the table and Michael seemed very intrigued as to why we had moved to Vancouver. I answered for the both of us "we just love the scenery it is a lovely area and I personally wanted to get away from Britain" he turned and faced Maddie "so why did you want to live out here" she stared at him with a dazzled expression "ummmm I just wanted to ... to see what errr what city life is errr like yeah like" Michael nodded and turned to me again "have you every been here before" I replied "yeah I came her a few times when I was little. My mum and dad always wanted to come here" he smiled and ordered us our lunch.
When we came to leave joey burrads I offered to split the cheque but he refused "no no no I'm paying I was the one that booked the table so it's only fair I pay and plus you've only recently moved in so save your money." I smiled and as I was about to hope on to the bus he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car "I shall not allow you to get in that public transportation mechanism thing I shall drop you off once again" he closed the doors and we drove off.

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