Red bull joy ride exception

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a few months had pasted like 7-8 months to be precise. me and Maddie were staying round my friend Zeenat's flat as she was live in London at the time as her job was based there. I was sat in the kitchen on my laptop keeping up on the latest gossip from Michael when an email came through from red bull about the crank worx. Now a few months ago I tried qualifying for the crank worx. for those who don't know its a huge down hilling comp hosted by red bull it was called red bull joy ride for the best of the best. I entered one of the qualifiers and made it through to the finals but I didn't make it past the final because the opposition was so good better than what id seen his name was Brandon Semenuk some one id heard of a lot. however I was wondering why they would be sending it to me, I opened the email up to se it was an urgent one.

Dear Mrs Isobel Beach,

we would like to have this opportunity to invite you to join the crank worx team. sadly one of our riders has had to pull out due to a devastating collision on the tracks of new Zealand we need someone to step in immediately. If you would like to except this opportunity to become part of the team please get back to us.

your sincerely

red bull joy ride team

I got straight back to them how could I not except this amazing once in a life time choice to become a well known down hiller and I get to ride with my favourite biker Brandon semenuk. I cant believe this all the other contestants and yet they picked me. Zeenat walked into the room with Maddie following 'whats all the shouting and laughter for' they exclaimed 'you will not believe this you know I went to get qualified for the crank worx well guess what ive had a call back to stand in for an injured rider and I can stay in the crank worxs I need to tell Michael right away' we jumped in the air disturbing the neighbour down stairs. I got back to my computer and started typing away at my keyboard to michael

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