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Gretel was at a loss for words as Hansel spoke to their parents, casually dropping in mid-conversation like it was socially acceptable and revealing that he had been listening in. Her mouth was open, conveying only shock as at the moment she was unable to use her voice properly. Her companions were much like her, mouths open with disbelief about Hansel's current actions and clearly unable to process it at the moment. Yviene seemed to shrink in on herself as if curling her shoulder tight to her neck would somehow make her invisible or disappear. Mylo, though in shock, seemed to shake it off much more quickly than Yviene the maid did and immediately trying his best to fix the issue.

He coughed once and sauntered past Gretel, entering the room before bowing deeply before the king and queen. "I apologize, your majesty. I was unaware that his highness the prince would interrupt. Please allow me to escort Prince Tholan out so that you may continue."

King Daphvir waved at Mylo to cease his bowing and spoke. "It is of no consequence, Knight Mylo. As my heir, Tholan has a right to know what it is going on. You may leave us and the maid as well."

Gretel watch as Mylo immediately followed her father's orders and once he and Yviene were side-by-side, they bowed, leaving the room with a somewhat haunting—

"Your majesty," they murmured in unison, their backs straight and their shoulders tense as if expecting something that clearly was not coming.

Gretel spotted Yviene's hands shaking as they struggled to hold onto her basket and how her teeth gnawed on her bottom lip with what Gretel assumed to be worry. She turned her gaze to analyze Mylo only to find that he appeared to be solid as a rock. However, her eyes caught sight of a bead of sweat on the back on his neck. From what, Gretel could only guess, but she was certain that there was a stench of fear pervading in the room. But what did a simple maid and the valued leader of the Knights have to fear here?

Something sank in her stomach as she considered her options. Mylo and Yviene had been fine with them before and had been themselves, she liked to think. They hadn't gazed at her or Hansel with eyes that spoke of fear and pleas of mercy. No, they have been fine until Hansel had opened that door. Which left . . .

Her parents.

She swallowed, feeling for the first time in five years a sense of being a lamb in a den that belonged to lions. Lions that hungered and slaughtered naïve lambs that hadn't realized the trap they had been led into and now couldn't escape. The room, though had been beautiful with rays of sunlight and lavish furniture, now only reminded her of the twins' time with the Witch. There was a darkness that she could see now, but at the same time could not. She could see it in the sense that she knew it was there and recognized it, but knew not where it originated.

Was it their mother, the mother that had supposedly given them away to protect them? Someone whose mask reflected the kindness and gentle love of her adoptive mother Frida. Someone that she desperately wanted to be as she seemed even though there were so many unanswered questions. Someone that Gretel couldn't completely trust.

Was it their father, the father whom Gretel had met only once previous to this meeting? Someone that she hadn't gotten a gauge on and didn't know what was at his core. Someone that she knew was related to her by blood, but knew nothing about.

These two suspects were bound to her by blood, but that didn't mean that they couldn't be evil. It didn't wipe away any bad deeds they had done during their lives. Despite being her parents, they were nothing like the twins and couldn't be granted with unwavering, unconditional trust that she had for Hansel. Instead, her trust and faith had to be earned and at this moment, Gretel wasn't sure that it would ever be possible for her to lose her suspicion.

Hansel & Gretel [NaNoWriMo 2016]Where stories live. Discover now