Chapter 1: Young Love

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A/N: I don't own anything except the OC's and the plot.

Friday October, 7 2016

Gotham, New York

12:00 AM

It's a beautiful sight as the midnight sky shines over Gotham City. It is peaceful and soothing in the eye's of the red-caped, blonde-headed super heroine Supergirl (also known as Kara Zor-El or Kara Kent). While on patrol in Gotham, she overhears a message from a cop car 350 ft. below her about a disturbance at Wallace's Warehouse. Which is where the Red Hood's main base is rumored to be it. And to make matter's worse, today is the 6th anniversary of the death of her boyfriend, the second Robin in the Bat Family, and long time best friend, Jason Peter Todd. Any other time, Kara would've been happy to help. But since today's the anniversary of her boyfriends death, she's not in the mood. She looks on the bright side of the situation, which is the fact that she has the opportunity to bash a few criminals heads in, so she goes along with it.

Kara's P.O.V:"As I soar through the midnight sky on my way towards the disturbance, I can't help but ignore the feeling of remorse in my head and the aching feeling in my heart because of what day it is. Ever since the day Jay died, I've felt like a part of me died along with him. And I've never really moved since he died. Yes my life went on, but I never lasted in a romantic relationship longer than a few months. I wasn't really putting my all into them anyway. And not only have I been trying to keeping myself from falling in love, I've also been more aggressive towards my opponents, especially when I came across that sadistic psychopathic clown a few months after Jay's death. I was even tempted to kill him myself for what he did to Jay, but my mentor Superman stopped me from ripping his head off. Now my priority has just been to focus on getting by everyday and helping people. But on a night like tonight, I can't help but remember the day (that was a little less than 9 years ago) that I fell head over heels for the stubborn, charismatic, confident, and caring Jason Peter Todd when we shared our first kiss."

Flashback: The Year 2007

Stars were displayed across the night sky as most of the inhabitants of New York celebrated New Years in Times Square. Surprisingly on this night, crime is at its lowest in 3 years. Even on holiday's like tonight, there is always a chance of something going wrong with the world. On this New Year's, the Justice League celebrates New Years up in The Watch Tower, while the young heroes in training are celebrating at Titans Tower. Every year around New Years, the Teen Titans and the Young Justice gang get together to plan a big party to celebrate New Years. As of right now, the youngsters were split up all over the tower.

A group in particular that consisted of Jason Todd, Kara Kent, Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Wally West, Artemis Crock, Roy Harper, and Barbara Gordan were crowded around the pool area on the roof. Kara and the girls sat near the pool while the boys were near the snack area. Kara has her feet dipped in the pool, wearing a starred red and blue two piece. Although she was listening and paying attention to her friends talking, she couldn't help sparing a glance towards where the boys were and look at her long time best friend and fellow hero Robin, also known as Jason Todd. He was laughing and goofing off with the boys. They had been best friends ever since they helped their respected mentors take down Two-Face and Brainiac.

While she enjoyed their friendship, there was a part of her that longed for them to be something more than just friends. But even with that conclusion, she knew better. She's seen enough TV and real life experiences with other friends of her own (heroes and non-heroes alike) to know that attempting to be more than just friends outside of their "business" could lead to a lot of heartbreak and unresolved feelings. But she also knew it wasn't impossible. Her cousin Conner and her friend Cassie were dating. Hell, even Wally and Artemis were together despite everything they all go through on a daily basis. So why couldn't she be with Jason?

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