Chapter 4: Confrontation

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A/N: Thank you for your patience, you guys are awesome! The next chapter contains a lemon, you've been warned!

Monday October 10, 2016

The key jingles slightly as it's maneuvered in a way that opens the apartment door. While entering, the hooded figure notices immediately that the lights in the kitchen are on, and a certain aroma fills his nostrils.

"Lasagna? Wait, what time is it?" He checks his phone seeing that its 7:45, realizing he was late for dinner. He suddenly hears the pitter-patter of small feet coming towards him, then he grins knowing who the owner of those little feet were.

"Jason" A small force collides with his waist in an attempt to tackle him as he stumbles from the impact. While chuckling, he wraps an arm around the teen, he pats her back and releases her.

"Wow! You're getting stronger kid, I'm impressed. You even made me stumble!"

After being bombarded with questions from the curious teenager, he sits next to her and takes off his boots.

"You missed dinner, Dad made his famous four cheese lasagna, it tasted awesome!" The 14 year old licked her lips in emphasis.

The mentioned figure walks into the living room.

"Well, I'm glad I could satisfy my greatest customer! Why don't you go and get cleaned up, and then after that we can all watch a movie."

"With popcorn, dad?" The teenager gives her dad the sad puppy dog eyes, her signature look used for every time she wants something.

"With popcorn," he replies with a smile as Maddie moves towards her bedroom, she secretly praises herself for outsmarting her father. He then sits down on the couch as Jason goes to refrigerator to grab what's left of dinner.

"So, how did reuniting with your damsel and distress go, knight and shining armor?" Mick says in a humorous tone.

"She reacted the way I expected her to. She was pissed, confused and upset. But I could tell from the look in her eyes that she was also relieved that I was okay. I don't expect her to take me back or even forgive me, if that's what she wants. I love her and I want her to be happy Mick, and if she's happier without me in her life than I have to except it, even though I don't like it," he says as he glances downcast, picking the food on his plate.

Mick walks towards him to pat him on the back in sympathy, "Everything will work out in the end man, and don't worry too much alright?" Jason nods at him as Mick exits the kitchen and makes his way towards his daughter's room.

The Hall of Justice

9:45 PM

"Supergirl B038," the electronic voice of the computer echoes throughout the hall as she's zeta beamed to the hidden part of the building, she ignores the stares of the other league members as she walks towards Cassie's desk.

Cassandra Sandsmark aka Wondergirl was Kara's best friend. She spent more time with Kara after Jason died, she was there when Kara needed her. Kara moved into Cassie's apartment after her boyfriend, Conner Kent; disappeared 3 years ago.

When Cassie see's Kara she stands up, "Kara where have you been, I haven't seen you since yesterday, we were rea-."

"Did you know?" The room is suddenly tense as everyone looks up at the fuming blonde Kryptonian. Her tone of voice left no room for untruthfulness.

Cassie gives her an incredulous look as she speaks up, "Know what? What's going on Kar?

Kara gives Cassie an apologetic look as she listens to her friend's heartbeat, realizing that she didn't know about Jason. Superman, Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow exit the meeting they were in and see the two blondes talking.

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