Chapter 2: Breaking and Entering

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As soon as the warehouse comes into view, Supergirl notices immediately when using her x-ray vision that nothing appears to be unusual. "Well this is a waste of time, but maybe I should at least check this place to make sure. And then I can indulge in my sorrow later," thought Kara as she lands near the entrance. She decides to lift the garage door quietly and enters the abandoned building. But while doing so, she doesn't realize that she has tripped the motion sensor.

Beep! Beep! BEEEP! Beep! Bee-, the motion sensor alarm shuts off immediately by the Red Hood's 1st in command, Lt. Michael Morris. He was also his close friend and most trusted gang member. With a scowl on his face, he glances at the camera feed, noticing Supergirl inspect the wooden crates above him. The Red Hood and his militia were prepared for anything, especially for potentially unexpected visits from the Super Family. They're even stocked with enough Kryptonite to subdue them if need be. He pulls out his communicator and call's his boss.

The red punching bag sways hysterically as devastating punching combo's are released on it. "Strife" by Trivium plays in the background. Sweat drips down the figures 6 ft. 3in. tall muscular body as he continues his assault. His shaggy black hair sways with each swing, but the white tuft near his forehead strangely stays in place. He suddenly stops his workout as he hears his communicator go off from his gym bag. Cursing silently, he walks towards his bag, turns the music off, and drapes a red towel over his right shoulder. He then picks up a water bottle near his bag and answers the call.

"What is it? I was in the middle of something important," the gruff voice says into the communicator before taking a big sip of water.

"We have an intruder upstairs, Kryptonian. Short blonde hair." Jason nearly chokes on his water before spiting it out.

"What the hell is a Kryptonian doing in Gotham? Wait, blonde hair? Its short now? Can it be? No. KARA?! What the fuck is she doing here. Does she know that I'm alive?" His eyes widen in shock, but smiles at the thought of seeing her again. But his smile instantly melts at another thought that enters his mind of her figuring out what he's done, what he's become. He doesn't regret hurting the rapists, murderer's, etc. that he's come across. But he doesn't want to corrupt her, that's why he's been avoiding her the past few years he's been stable after The Lazarus Pit. Apparently, the pit water mutated his blood stream and not only changed his physical appearance, but it also gave him abilities. "Does she know what I've become. Damn it! I made it perfectly clear to Bruce to not tell her. I don't deserve her. I'm not the same lost boy she fell in love with."

"Boss? Are you there?," the voice of his 1st in command brings him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

"Look, this is your call. What do you want to do."

"I don't want to hurt her, I loved her, hell I still do! But I know how she operates with this sort of thing. Shit, this is the only way. I might as well show her I'm alive, to tell her its me. She deserves to know, but will she hate me? Please don't hate me Kara, at least not for forever," thought Jason as he made his decision.

"Tell the rest of militia to put the warehouse on lock down. Subdue her with Kryptonite but DO NOT harm her. I'll take her to my safe house."

"With due respect Sir, I don't think-"

"We have no other choice Mick. Do it."

"Yes Sir," Mick says with a sigh as he informs the others of the emergency lock down.


While searching a particular crate, she stops when noticing that steel plates are automatically covering the windows. "What the hell," she mutters silently to herself as the environment darkens around her. She gasps loudly as a green glow surrounds her. "No, I can't-," she mutters before she collapse on the cold concrete floor.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry, I know its short. I'll try to update in the next few weeks. As always, reviews, follows, pm's, and favorites are greatly appreciated! I'm also open to any ideas you guys have for future chapters!

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