Chapter 8 Her Sight

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Your POV:

"Nnnngh... My head...." I woke up in a dimly lighted room. My backside felt cold... I tried to sit up but my wrists were strapped down along with my ankles... I was on a metal table! What the heck is going on?! I started hearing voices. But I could not hear what they were saying... I looked around the dark room, the only things in here were me and the table I was on. Then a door opened, a man wearing a suit of metal armor with blades sticking out of the shoulder pads and gloves, then a freaky looking bug-man. The man wore a metal mask as well with 3 spikes sticking backwards. One on the top, then one on each side. The only part of his face I could see were his eyes, one I think he was blind in and the other was a dark brown. And over the Blind eye, was a scar, most likely from a burn... I didn't have a good feeling about him... But he seemed familiar. But I felt safe, until the bug-man came closer. He was holding a syringe filled with a black ooze. I stared at the syringe... I'm terrified of needles... I hate them... But a deep voice broke me out of the trance. "Hello Y/N. I Am Oruku Saki, Though others know me as 'The Shredder'. I apologize if April O'Neil put you in any pain. I will have my Scientist heal you but first..." He looked over to the bug-man and gave him a slight nod. He walked toward me and rubbed alcohol on my arm... He was going to inject whatever that crap was into me! I felt tears forming in my eyes as I tried to move away from the needle, I looked up at the bug-Man crying. He frowned, "bzz- I am sorry Miss L/N but bzz- these are my orders..." And with that he pushed the needle into my arm injecting the black ooze into my blood. I screamed... I was in excruciating pain... I felt like there were daggers cutting the inside of my veins... It slowly went from one arm to the rest of my body... The only part it hadn't reached yet was my head... I felt it going up my neck... It was the worst pain I felt so far... But when it hit my eyes... I couldn't believe the pain... It felt like something I can even describe... It was cold, yet burning... I squeezed my eyes shut crying from the pain... It reached every single part of my body... I couldn't even speak... I felt blood pounding through my cat ears, my tail banging against the table as the pain grew worse... But as my eyes started closing I heard a familiar voice... "Y/N!" ...
Donnie... Then, lights out.

Donatello's POV:
Earlier that day

I felt someone shaking me, my eyes felt so heavy... I haven't gotten any sleep for days. Earlier this week Y/N was captured by April... We know that she took her to Shredders lair but... He's grown more powerful. His foot bots are learning new skills and are growing in numbers, thanks to the kraang... This was the first time I've gotten sleep in days. And someone was trying to wake me up! "DUDE WAKE UP! WE GOTTA GO!" Of course Mikey was the one to wake me up. "Ok ok I'm up... What is it?" I got a better look at him and he didn't seem like his happy go lucky self. Whatever was going on, even put him in a serious mood. "DONNIE! WE FOUND A WAY TO GET Y/N BACK! COMMON! LETS GO!" I was already out the door, I ran out of the lair towards Shredders lair with my brothers behind me, yelling "Donnie stop! We need a plan!" I didn't care. I just want to see my Y/N again... I eventually reached shredders lair and snuck into his throne room through the hole in the glass that we did last time we came. I felt Leo grab my arm, I whipped around staring him down. "Donnie. We need to have a plan, we can't just go in blades blazing! This isn't something you would do! This is something Raph would do!" "Leo! Shredders doing who knows what to Y/N! I need to save her!" I looked to Mikey and Raph for support. Raph put his hand on Leo's shoulder, Leo looked at him from the corner of his eye still facing me keeping his grip on my arm. "Leo. Donnie really cares for her. Let'em save her. But he won't be alone." Raph looked over to me and smirked. "We can't let nerdferbrains or his girlfriend get hurt can we?" I rolled my eyes at Raphs insult, but he was helping my situation. Leo sighed and nodded. "Fine. But remember, stick to the shadows." Mikey put his head on Raphs shoulder. "Aww! What's the fun in that?!" Raph flicked the side of Mikey's head. "OWW!" "Shut it Mikey! We gotta mission to do!" And with that we left into shredders lair looking for where they would've put Y/N. Surprisingly, Leo let me take the lead. "Ok, I'm figuring that she'll probably be in boxmans lab. I hope she's not in pain..." Leo put his hand on my shoulder. "Donnie, she's strong. She's gonna be fine, and if she is hurt. She has you to help her!" I smiled at Leo's reassurance, it helped. But then there was a scream, I ran to where I heard it coming from. It was at the end of a hall, a metal door painted black... A light was coming from the bottom of the door. I kicked the door open to see Y/N strapped down onto a table crying... But by regular tears... Blood... "Y/N!" She looked up at me then blacked out, she looked like she was in excruciating pain. This pushed me off the edge. How could they do this to her?! I looked over to see Shredder and Stockman next to the table Y/N was on. I took out my Bo and clicked the hidden blade out of the tip. I was about to charge at shredder for what he did to Y/N but something held me back. Leo and the others were behind me. I looked back at them, Leo was signaling for me to stand down, I hesitated and fell behind him next to Mikey and Raph. Leo stepped forward towards Shredder, "Shredder, what do you want with Y/N?" Shredder looked at Y/N with almost caring eyes. Then back at Leo. "Y/N is the only blood relative of mine left. Her father, was my blood brother. Unlike your Master Hamato Yoshi. And no blood relative of mine will be a... Mutant... So I had Stockman prepare a Retro-Mutagen for her." Some retro-mutagen! It put her in serious pain! What kind of family does that?! "Y/N is my niece, but... We also need her for a... Test subject. So i am afraid you creatures will have to leave." He triggered his blades and faced them towards Leo and my brothers ran into battle, while they were battling shredder I decided to take care of Stockman and get Y/N. I snuck into the shadows, my eyes turning white for stealth mode. I got as close as I could to the table Y/N was on then a drop of acid fell in front of my face making me jump backwards In suprise falling on my butt. I looked up to see Stockman flying in front of me, "Outta my way Laster Blockhead!" He growled "I-It's Baxter Bzz- Stockman! And no! I need her for Master shredders Bzz- army!" I threw a ball form of blindness powder in his face making him Yelp in pain. While he was distracted I went to Y/N and untied the straps from her wrists and ankles. I picked her up bridal style and looked to my brothers. "Guys lets go!" The three looked at me then back at shredder. Then Mikey jumped in front of him yelling 'Booyakasha!' Then throwing down a smoke bomb, then we ran out of shredders lair into the rooftops.

~1 hour timeskip brought to you by Dr. Prankinstein~

After an hour of running me and my brothers stopped for a breather. I looked down at Y/N who was cuddled close to my plastron. I smiled. But that smile soon faded, she still had blood across her eyes and down her cheeks from when she was crying. If her tears were replaced by blood... Oh no...
"G-guys we gotta get Y/N back to the lair... Now!" The gave me weird looks. Leo spoke up. "What's wrong D?"
"Y/N's tears were replaced by blood... She could have severe eye damage... I gotta get her back to my lab to make sure. It's possible she could need surgery." Leo exchanged glances with Raph and Mikey then we took off to the lair.

~ Time skip to the lair brought to you by the Kraang ~

As soon as we got to the lair I ran to my lab and put Y/N on a table. I started gathering equipment and putting them on a tray, then Master splinter walked in. "My son, what is happening?" I sighed and explained to him what was happening while I gathered supplies. "Sensei, Y/N was at Shredders lair and him and Stockman did Something to her. I don't know exactly what yet but... I'll find out when she wakes up. But when I found her she was screaming in pain... And instead of her crying tears... She was crying Blood... I'm afraid that she may of... Well... Lost her Sight..." I looked up at Master Splinter growing Tears in my eyes. I wanted her to be able to see me when she woke up... He put a hand on my shoulder. "My son, wounds heal. Though, scars do not. You must be calm for her once she wakes up. If she has lost her sight... Then she will need you more then ever." I smiled and nodded. "Hai sensei." As he left, I thought to myself. 'I don't think that Retro-Mutagen was actually Retro-Mutagen... Whatever it was put Y/N in serious pain and possibly costed her sight...'
I cleaned the blood off her eyes and cheeks, then scanned her with my mini MRI scanner. The eye tissue almost looked like it was... Burned... After that, I got to work.

~After surgery~

After I was finished, I put bandages around her eyes then picked her up and took her to her room. I sat her on her bed. I pulled up a chair and sat next to her bed waiting for her to wake up...

After a few hours I started falling asleep, I haven't slept very much in the past few days so I can't blame myself. As my eyes grew heavier and heavier, I heard a voice. "D-Donnie?" I instantly grew wide awake and took her hand in mine. "Thank god, your awake..." She laid there looking towards me, the bandages still covering her face. She reached her hand to her face feeling the bandages. "W-why are there bandages over my eyes?" Her grip on my hand tightened. "When my brothers and I found you in shredders lair, your tears when you were crying were replaced by... Well, blood. When we got back here, I had to preform surgery on your eyes... The tissue was almost... Burnt." She frowned. "C-can you take them off? It's kinda uncomfortable..." I smirked. "Okay, sit up and I'll take them off." She sat up facing me, I took the bandages off. Her eyes fluttered open but... Instead of her eyes being those beautiful E/C orbs... Her eyes were glazed white, barely being able to see her original eye color. I bit my lip.

"D-Donnie... I-I can't see anything..."
"Y/N I'm sorry but... I think your blind..."

Authors Note:
Sup my ninjas! Sorry bout the lack of updates! And I'll try to add more of the bros into the story and there WILL be romance coming  later in the story! Cya my ninjas! Makayla out!

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