The cafe

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Karma's pov

By the time I got home nagisa was waiting at my door. I let him in and we walked to my room
"Wear something nice" he instructed. I put on a black sweatshirt with the word 'ghoul' written across the back. He frowned, grabbing a green polo and setting it to my chest "nice. Not casual. Nice." I sighed as he pulled my shirt off threw the polo at me. I put it on like he wanted, then changed into jeans. I put on dress shoes and nagisa pulled me out the door. "I don't wanna do this!" I complained as I struggled to keep up with him. "Well, silver lining, I'm paying." He stuffed $50 in my pocket as we approached the cafe. I tried to think of greetings. 'Oh, hey!'? No, too normal. I thought of how to say it, and oh, hey (pronounced 'o hai') sounded the best.

Normal pov

You put on a spring dress, practicing your walk. Your h/l, h/c hair bouncing in the air. You grab your purse and walk out the door, trying to find that damn cafe. When you got there you saw  the last person to expect. If it was any other guy you would be unimpressed with nagisa. But he wasn't any other guy...

He was karma.

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