Karma's dream

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This is the dream karma had that night.

Karma's pov

I wasn't sure where I was. I looked down and saw cat paws. I looked up and saw the A class building. I started walking twords it. Just then everything got dark.

I saw some guys gathered around. I looked up at them and one of them kicked me. I tried to attack back but my vision was blurry. The room was shaking- no- spinning in front of me.

The best I could do was stand up as I took more kicks to the gut, back, and face. Just then a figure that looked like y/n came over and attacked them. She grabbed me and ran. My vision was getting worse. The room was getting darker. I looked to the sky before everything when black.

When I could open my eyes I was in y/n's bed. I was a human again!

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