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Thanks to everyone who voted for the first chapter.


Ben laid his bed from his childhood room and  thought back to the time when he was fourteen and Amy was thirteen.

The time when both of them were young kids and didn't know any better.

He missed that. He missed not having to care. And the feeling of being invincible.

He missed their lives before the fame .

Fame changed both of them.

When they were kids neither one of them wanted to be famous. They both wanted to play music.

He laid there thinking. He missed her already but knew there was no turning back. It was now far to late to that.

But all the thinking made him realize how alone he truly was.

He decided that he was done thinking about her.

He sat up and grabbed a towel getting ready to shower. As he started to head to shower the phone rang.


"Hey Ben this is beth I ne-"

"I swear if Amy told you to call and try to get me back into the band then you might as well tell her no. I'm not coming back."

"Well maybe if you would shut up and let me talk then you would hear what I'm trying to say."

"OK sorry, go ahead and speak."

"Ben you should sit down first."

"What why? What's wrong." He said taking her advice and sat on the end of his bed.

"Ben, Amy was in a car accident. She's in the hospital."

"Is she ok?" He said

"No not really. Their not sure if she's even going to make it through the night."

"I'm such an idiot I should have stayed there with her."

"I'm so sorry Ben. Um there's another thing too Ben."


"She's pregnant."

"What?! How far along?"

"I don't know."

"Send me the hospital address. I'm going to go see her."

"Ok. I will .bye."

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