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Going to triple update tonight

Ben sat in Amy's hospital room holding her hand.

She had yet to wake up. It had already been a day.

"Ben you should go get some rest you've been here for thirteen hours." Beth said

"I'm not leaving till she wakes up."

"Ben if she wakes up I'll call you."

He sat there thinking.

"How far along is she?"

"The doctor said from late seven to eight months."

"Why would she keep this from me?"

"She told me once that she didn't want to have kids with you because you didn't want any."

"Yeah but that was like two years ago. It's not that I didn't want any, it was just that I couldn't financially have a child. Neither of us could afford it at the time."

Beth sighed.

"Why did you really leave her. I know its not because of the band."

"She cheated on me." He said looking up at her.

"With some guy named Shaun."

Beth walked over and hugged him. "I'm so sorry Ben."

"Ben?" Said a weak voice

  Ben looked to see Amy wide awake.
"Oh my god Amy" beth yelled rapping her arms around her.

"What happened?" Amy asked.

"You were in a car accident. They weren't sure if you were going to make it last night. They thought you were going to die."

"My head hurts."

"I'm going to go get the doctors. Oh and your parents,they just went to bed."
Beth walked out of the room.

Ben walked over to the chair he was sitting in before and sat down.

"Why are you here?" She asked

"I'm here to check on my child you never told me about."

Amy paled. "Ben I was going to tell you it was ju-"

"Shut up! I'm tired of your crap. You are the most egotistic person I've ever met."

"No you shut up! I've only ever cared about us and are relationship."

"Oh is that why you fucked Shaun."

"You just listen here Ben I was drunk. It was not my fault."

"Yeah whatever. I'll see you later when you actually get some commonsense."

Ben walked out of the hospital. And drove back to his hotel.

He walked back to his hotel room but before he could get to the door he accidentally ran into some.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to run into you."

"Its all right." Said a women ."and you're Ben moody right."

"Yep and you sure OK."

"Yeah I'm fine I guess I'll see you around Ben" she said.

Ben walked in the room and fell back on his bed. He was sure he fell in love with the woman.

The one that got awayWhere stories live. Discover now