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Ben walked back to his hotel room for the second time that night. Praying he would run into that woman. Again.

Ben walked in his room.  He laid his stuff on the bed.

He walked into the bath room and decided to get a shower.

He  stopped when he heard a knock on the door .

" who and the hell is it now!"he said swinging the door open.

At the entrance of the door stood John and Rocky.

"I have alcohol." Said John as he held it up showing Ben.

"And you're point is?" Ben said.

"Well I figured you would like to get drunk tonight." John said.

"Why and fuck would I wanna do that?" Ben said with a hint of anger.

"Because your life is turning to hell. Your quit your job, you lost your girl, you're gonna be a new dad. So why not?" John said.

"Fine." He said grabbing a can of beer from John.

"So what's your plan now?" John said . he walked in and sat the leftover beer on the table. While Rocky took a seat on the couch .

"I don't know yet. I assume I'll just work on some other projects for now." Ben said." And worry about the baby."

"Well if you need anything,you have my number." Rocky said.

"Thanks man." Ben said. He took a sip of his beer and then said "it means a lot."

"No problem."  Rocky said." We should get going though." He said  as he stood up."You ready" he asked John.

"Yeah." John said as he grabbed another beer." Um you can keep the rest." He said walking out before Ben could protest.

"What am I supposed to with all this?" He said. He sighed and then looking at the towel he left on the bed. "Guess I'll just finish my shower"he murmured to himself and walked into the bathroom.

Hey guys its been awhile hasn't it. Hope you like. If your find any misspelled words let me know.

The one that got awayDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora