Chapter 5

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-Markus's POV-

I had gone back to Elizabeth's apartment to give her the tiger but when I got there I noticed the door cracked and she was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor crying. I tossed the tiger aside and rushed over to her.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm here. Don't worry Baby. I got you."

I lifted her into my arms bridal style and carried her to her bed. She clung to me and sobbed. I felt so useless in that moment. I didn't know what was wrong or how I could help. I sat on the bed with her in my lap and just held her. I noticed that her breathing began to slow and her grip was slipping. I tucked her in then got in beside her, wanting to hold her in my arms all night, wanting to keep her safe.

When I woke up the next morning, she was still asleep. I propped myself up on my elbows and stroked her cheek. Gazing at her tear stained face I murmured, "Don't cry any more My Lizzie. I'm here now."

After a few minutes she stirred. When she first saw me she got this dear in the headlights look on her face before realizing it was me.

"Hey." Her voice was soft and hoarse. If I wasn't so concerned I'd think it's sexy. I still do actually but there isn't anything I can do about that right now. Her voice brought me out of my thoughts. "You stayed with me?"

I continued to stroke her cheek. "Of course. I will always be there when you need me. Weather you know you need me or not." She smiled a little at this. "Let's go get you some breakfast." I held my hand out to her and she took it gracefully.

I left her to get ready while I drove back to my place and got cleaned up. I invited Paul to come with us but he said he was busy and would text me to meet us later. Once I was dressed, I drove back to her place and waited for her in the living room. When she entered the room, she looked surprised to see me but then her beautiful face lit up. "Are you here for me?"

"Yes ma'am. After you m'lady." I made a dramatic,  sweeping gesture with my hands towards the door and bowed slightly, making her giggle. After she walked out I followed taking in her white, spaghetti-strapped sundress. It was tight around her breast and flowed down to right above her knees. I suppressed a groan when I spotted the little white pumps that made her legs seem to go on forever. She turned her head and blushed when she caught me staring. Wasn't white supposed to be the color of innocence? She looked down right sinful. We drove to the diner down the street and settled in a booth. After ordering, a coffee for me and orange juice for her, I decided to ask her.

"So what happened last night?" She stilled and shifted her gaze away from me.

"Nothing." I was going to argue with her about but then my phone went off.

"Hey Mark."

"Hey Paul."

"You guys still want to meet up for breakfast?"

I stole a glance at Elizabeth who was gazing out the window sipping her orange juice.

"Yeah, sure. We're at Stacy's Diner."

"Cool. See you in ten."

I hung up and looked at Liz.

"Would you mind if my brother met us here?"

She finally looked at me and smiled brightly though her eyes were still a bit conflicted.

"Not at all. I'd like to get to know him better since our last meeting was a little... unusual."

I grinned thinking about it. Thinking about her. Not too long later, Paul showed up. He spotted us and made his way over. I moved over and he sat next to me. The waitress came and took all of our orders then left.

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