Chapter 6

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*The end of this chapter gets a little steamy ;)*

-Elizabeth's POV-

I hadn't spoken to Markus for a week. I guess that was okay because we weren't too serious. At least we ended whatever it was that we were before I got too attached. I sighed. It was Wednesday now and I was at work. The kids had gone to recess and I was on my lunch break. Renee, the second grade teacher next door, ran into the teachers lounge and sat next to me once she caught sight of me.

"Hey Liz! Guess who I saw at the mall this weekend? Leslie! And Leslie told me a little something about you that was very interesting to me. She told me you had met someone by the name of Markus? Hm, ring a bell?" I groaned and put my head down. Renee was my closest friend at work. She was so much fun to be around but she had this energy about her that screamed Leslie. That's how she and I first became friends. Leslie came to meet me after work one day and recognized Renee as someone from college. We ended up inviting her out with us that night and we had a great time and we have been friends ever since.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" I asked reluctantly.

"Aha!" She jumped up and yelled, "I knew there was someone."

I pulled her down and looked around to make sure we weren't bothering someone. "Shhh! Some people actually work here." I emphasised work. She rolled her eyes at me and continued.

"Tell me about him. I haven't seen you with anyone since R-"

I cut her off. "There's nothing to tell. We met at a club, hooked up and now we're done. It was like a weekend thing." I mumbled the last part to myself.

"Well! That's no fun!" She pouted. I chuckled but stopped when I saw her eyes get wide as she stared at the door. I followed her gaze and my mouth dropped. There was Markus in all his glory. When our eyes connected, I stopped breathing and felt my heart constrict in my chest. He started making his way over with out separating our gaze.

"Who is that fine piece of man?" Renee said and licked her lips. "Oh look. He's walking this way." She took out her mirror and started fixing her hair and make up while my eyes stayed locked on Markus. When he got to our table, Renee stood and coiled herself around him.

"Hey there. Are you lost?" She asked while coyly twirling some hair around her finger. I would have laughed at the sight if I hadn't been so caught up in Markus's stare. He removed himself from her and said without looking away from me. "No. I'm exactly where I need to be."

I gulped as a shiver ran threw me at his words.  "W-what are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you."

Renee looked between the two of us. "Am I missing something?"

"Lizzie please. I really need to talk to you..."

"Markus I can't I-"

"Markus!? Elizabeth Mason you go with that man right now!" She interrupted. I opened my mouth to protest but she wouldn't have it. "No! You go. I'll watch your class for a bit." 

Markus took my hand and led me into the hall. We looked at each other in silence. "So..." He started. "Your friend is just like Leslie." I smile back shyly. "Yea. Renee is Leslie's friend from college."

He chuckled then paused. "Look Liz, I am so sorry. I know you said you've dealt with jealous and possessive men and I didn't mean to react that way. It's just that with you, everything is different. I can't explain it but it is." I could here the vulnerability in his voice though he was trying to mask it.

"It's okay Markus. It's already forgotten."

He looked at me before crashing his lips into mine. I whimpered against his mouth. He pushed my back to the wall and pressed his body up against mine. When I moaned at the feel of it, his tongue slipped into my mouth. He placed kisses on my neck and his hands caressed my thighs. My hands tangled into his hair and pulled his lips back to mine for more hungry kisses.

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