3 - Irresistible

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[12th December, Harry's appartment, 11:50am]

Harry: (sad) "Bye Dan. . . I'll miss you. Call me when you reach."

Danielle: (smiles) "Don't be sad love. You're my strong little brother. I have to go now, the cab is waiting outside" (kisses harry) "Love you haz. Take medicines baby you have a temperature."

Harry: (hugs Danielle tightly)"Yeah! Love you too."

Danielle: "And Harry your babysitter is sleeping in my room."

Harry: "The babysitter is in your room? Shit you got one?"

Danielle: "Yes Haz. Behave properly." (cab honks) "Okay, I should leave" (Sits in the cab, waving her hand to Harry)

Harry: (watches the cab disappearing in the city) "These fourteen days will be the worst days of my life. Ahchuu! I think I need a warm cup of tea."


Louis: (yawns) "Where am I? Why is everything so pink" (remembers everything that happened last night) "Aahh shit. I am in Dan's room. This pink theme makes me vomit" (suddenly remembers he has to babysit) "So duty starts from today. I don't even know how Happy looks? Wait! It's Har-harpy- (shrugs) dosen't matter. I think I need a cup of tea." (Makes his way to the kitchen)


Harry:(happily) "Ah! It's done. Tea always makes me happy." (Says to himself) "Harry drink it before it get's cold" (Rushes out of the kitchen and bumps into Louis spilling all the tea over his shirt)

Harry: "Oops!"

Louis: (eye's up Harry. For the first time instead of swearing, thinks how beautiful this boy's feature are and his low voice. Struggles to find words)

(suddenly jumps as the warmness of the tea touches his body) Shit!

Harry: "I-I'll take you to my room. You can clean up there."(holds louis' hand and guides him to his room, while Louis becomes extremely uncomfortable for the first time) "Here, remove your shirt" (starts unbuttoning the shirt)

Louis: (shy) "Uh- I-I can do it."

Harry: "I'm sorry. I-I didn't know the babysitter would be a guy"(sneezes)

Louis: "Well I am. What's your name curly?"

Harry: (smiles) "It's Harry. Harry Styles."

Louis: "I like your hair, Hairy."
(ruffles his hair)

Harry: (smiles and avoids his gaze from louis as he stands shirtless) "You took a shower?"

Louis: "Nope!"

Harry: (Louis turns around to go to the bathroom when Harry takes a glimpse of Louis' curvaceous shape)
"I-I'll be downstairs"(walks to open the bedroom door)

Louis: "Wait!"

Harry: (turns around to find Louis extremely close to his face) "Wh-What?!"

Louis: "Make me a cup of tea?" (Shows a toothy grin and explains) "I know that I should do all this stuff, taking your care and blah blah but come on you're 16 and you know how to make a tea. What else does a home alone needs?!"

Harry: "Ye-Yeah sure" (says slowly) "I'll make you some tea."

Louis: "Aw thanks boy. You don't even need a babysitter. You are great by yourself." (Harry smiles nervously and exits) "I don't think there is any kind of my use here"(smiles) "I'll just stay here for today and then come back after some days." (Thinks) 'I'll convince this lad to not say anything to Danielle' (goes to take a bath)


Louis: "Harrehhh? Come here! Harry?"

Harry: (comes to his room with a cup of tea) "Y-Yeah?" (breath hitches when he takes a glimpse of Louis' naked body standing in front of him with a towel hanging extremely low)

Louis: (smirks) "Stop checking me out curly. Keep the tea on the table and Give me something to wear. I don't have anything."

Harry: (shyly looks at the floor, nodding his head and removes one of his black sweatshirt with his skinny fit jeans) "Here!"

Louis: "Thank you!" (wears the sweatshirt which reaches his mid thigh and proceeds to wear the skinny jeans while Harry tries his best to not to check Louis out. The jeans fit perfectly which make his curves more vissible) "It's big but it's comfortable."

Harry: (smiles) "You need anything else?"

Louis: "I think that I should be the one asking you that same question. Need anything curly?"

Harry: "No! I am good." (sneezes)

Louis: (smiles internally) "Okay so" (gives Harry some money) "take this and order yourself food. I'll be coming late at night. Bye!" (yells about not letting Danielle know about this and walks away)

Harry: "He left?! Well, that's great. All he did was order me around but he looks so hot and handsome at the same time. This is just infatuation Harry. Calm down and complete your homework now."

[Harry's appartment. 10:50pm]

Harry- "Where did I keep my medicines? (Sneezes) I am feeling so weak right now. I want to go to bed. Leave the medicines! I'll search them tomorrow." (Sneezes)


[Harry's appartment at 12:50am]

Louis: "Well thank you girls for the ride" (smirks and kisses one of them)

Sophie: "If you want then you can have a night out with me(winks) I am free tonight."(says biting her lips)

Louis: (smirks) "Not a bad idea. Come on in" (waves his bye to the other girls and makes his way to Danielle's room)
"Stay here. I'll come in a few seconds" (closes the bedroom door behind him and makes his way to check upon Harry, when he opens the door he suddenly feels very cold inside. So Louis rushes to close the window and makes his way to Harry's bed sitting on it, smiling and admiring Harry's features and how beautiful this boy looks) "You're so beautiful Harry" (softly touches his hair) "So soft and silky" (makes his way to Harry's pink lips touching them softly) "So pink, So good" (without any warning his body bends towards Harry to kiss him but then he realises-) "What am I doing? This is so gay! I should go back to Sophie."(Jerks back to go away when his hand suddenly touches harry's neck and louis realises that Harry has a high temperature)

So guys here you are with the third chapter.
Louis being the bad boy, will he leave Harry on his own and go to Sophie? Or. . .

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