thirty three

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It was roughly 7pm when I came home from a long and tiring shift. My mom, who was anxious to a point where it was concerning, tried to sort out something for us to move back.

It was a quick decision. We had only moved here a few months ago, but so much shit has happened so far that it's hard to stay here without getting horrible memories flooding our minds.

My dad, who hasn't spoken to my mom in seven years, offered to help. He occasionally gives me a call or a message just to check up on me, but I haven't really seen him in person for years now.

By the next morning, we we're all packed and ready to leave. I had managed to cram all of my clothes and makeup into a small suitcase, almost breaking the zipper in the process.

"It's been a while since I've seen your dad." My mom says quietly, folding some final pieces of clothes and putting them in her suitcase. "seven years, I think? It's been a very long time."

I hum in response. "Yeah. I just want to get home, to be honest."

Truthfully, I was really excited to get back home. But really, the only reason for my excitement was Brendon, who I haven't spoken to in months. God, I fucking miss him a lot.

I haven't spoken to Ashley in a while, either. I'm guessing she moved to Chicago, as she's been talking about going there for university for years. But I kind of wish she didn't, and she'd be right there waiting to me to get home.

My dad pulls up in our drive away, and I can't help but feel a small tingle of excitement. It's been years, after all.

I quickly jog downstairs, opening the door and as soon as I see my dad I wrap my arms around him. He hugs me back, laughing loudly. He's always been a cheerful person, I can remember for when I was little. He would always laugh the loudest and smile the widest, which made him such a great person.

"You've grown up, haven't you?" He pulls away, smiling widely.

"Yeah. It's been a while. Mom's just upstairs getting her bags."

He nods, his smile fading at the mention of my mom's name. When she walks out with her suitcase, she gives him a small smile but it quickly disappears.

My dad helps us put all our bag into the back of his Range Rover, and sets off to the airport. We managed to get last minute tickets, luckily. But my dad was going to come with us; which made it ten times more awkward. He told us he had some work related things to do in Nevada, anyway, so it all fell perfectly into place.

The journey to the airport was long and tedious. My dad played some of his 90's rock bands music, such as Metallica which I had grown to adore. My mom never liked that kind of music, so she was rolling her eyes throughout the entire journey.

We got there about an hour after leaving, and we quickly passed through baggage and security and soon we were boarding our flight.

It was rather large plane - Las Vegas is a popular destination here. As usual, I sat next to the window as I tend to get a bit travel sick during flights. The plane was in fairly good condition too - it smelled fresh, was clean and had a good amount of space.

My parents began bickering as soon as we got on, quietly arguing about something. I ignored them both, put in my earphones and began listening to some calming music.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be setting in off in a few moments."
lol I just need to get this part done with there some smut soon
- m

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