the evil ducks game show

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Jace: Hey Sebastian your evil right? So when you get older you could grow a white beard and wear a red suit and be Santa!!!!

Sebastian: aw that's sweet how bout I practice? Jace I give you a duck.

Jace: Ahhhhh! Get it away from me! Wait... What kind of cruel joke is this!? This ain't no duck!

Sebastian: No it's rubber and it squeaks, you use it in the bath tub it's called a rubber duck.

Jace: Its bad enough they exist, but now they see you NAKED!

Sebastian: Yes.

Jace: WHAT KIND OF CRUEL WORLD IS THIS!!!!!!!!! Instead of hunting demons we should hunt ducks they are like devils in the form of a... I don't know how to describe... The shape.

Sebastian: duck shaped?

Jace: no... no... But I should be hunting ducks instead of demons I mean we need to eliminate the threat!

Sebastian: No Jace they already have people that do that here watch this show, its called Duck Dynasty.

Jace: Okay... My god look at that guys beard it's cooler than Santa's and that's saying something because Santa lives in the North Pole!

Sebastian: What?

Jace: Ya know cause the North Pole is cool like in temperature and they both have beards.

Sebastian: No I got it now...

Jace: Are you sure you got it? Do you want me to...

Sebastian: No, no, it's good.

Jace: you sure?

Sebastian: Yes...

Jace:Hey have you seen Clary?

Sebastian: You didn't hear? She died like a month ago...

Jace: WHAT!?

Sebastian: Im kidding.

Jace: Not cool bro, you almost made me cry!

Sebastian: Really! I almost made you cry!

Jace: Almost... But seriously have you seen her?

Sebastian: yeah but I don't think she wants to talk to you...

Jace: Why!!!!!

Sebastian: She broke up with you over the phone did you NOT get the message! Here let me play it.

Answering machine: Hey Jace this is Clary... Sorry I have to let you know Im breaking up with you... It's not you it's me... But mainly you... Sebastian told me what a jerk you were and how much you hate ducks! What did they ever do to you! Wait I think I've got it! You think there the one thing cuter than you! Your so full of yourself sometimes! Just so you know I'm seeing someone else now I won't say who but if Sebastian wants to he can. Well bye!-

Jace: WHAT! Sebastian who could she be dating that's better than me! And what did you tell her!!!

Sebastian: I just said the stuff you say about Jocelyn, and a few other things.

And she's dating Alec now, they were both really down in the dumps about their break ups that fate has brought them together.

Jace: Its like my world has fallen apart within a minute!

Sebastian: Hey that would be a cool game show name! Make your world fall apart in a minute!!!

Jace: Yeah... it would...

A month later...

Sebastian: Hi and welcome back to make your world fall apart in a minute! Im here with our lucky contestant Max who died in book three! Shall we get started?

Jace: Yes we shall. Okay so we have three cards here you have a minute to chose one of them. 2 of the cards have pictures of ducks. one has a picture of me. Pick my card and you win but pick a duck card and Sebastian will hit you violently on the head with a pan. Okay? Begin!!!

Max: I don't really want to play this game...

Sebastian: Hurry up. I really don't want to kill you again.

Fifty-nine seconds later..

Max: that one!

Buzzer: BEEP!!!!

Jace: Okay let see... you got a... DUCK!

Max: what no!!!!

Sebastian: Sorry dude.


Max: That didn't hurt that bad.

Sebastian: That's because your a ghost you died in book three. Were you not listening to the intro!

Jace: next week is great white week where we take one person from my past life and dangle them over the great white shark in my basement! Next weeks guest! SIMON!!

Sebastian: This has gotten way outta hand...


Okay so I would enjoy it if you guys posted ideas too for what I should do for burn or just humor! it's okay I you dont want to but your ideas could be involved in the next one!

Jace and sebastian behind the scenes (funny moments fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ