talking with fishes

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Jace: UGH! Sebastian ever since Clary and I got back together we seem to be drifting apart!

Sebastian: So?

Jace: I have an idea... Could you go get clary... PLEASE!!!!

Sebastian: Jace... What are you going to do?!

JAce: You will see...

Sebastian: Fine, just don't kill yourself while Im gone... On second thought.


Sebastian: Fine, bye!

Jace: BYE!

.... Later when Clary arrives....

Clary: Jace you wanted to... Woah....

Sebastian: Clary whats woah... WOAH! Jace what did you do why is there a shark tank in the living room! WHERE DID YOU GET THE SHARKS FROM! ARE YOU INSANE WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!

Jace: Chicks dig a guy who can communicate... with fish.

Clary: I didn't know they made a rune for that. Or that you had such a fondness for marine life!

Jace: Ha, me and fish we are like best buds, It's like I have this connection with them, ya know! see let me show you how I talk with them.... blublublugrgrpclick click click... ARF ARF!! See we are having a lovely little chit chat about...

(Shark jumps out of water grabs jace)

Jace:AHHHHHHH Let go! I kill demons not sharks!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!

Clary: Should we help him?

Jace : It's good just a little miscommunication that's all... wait their coming back.. AHHHHH!!

Sebastian: No he talks to them he should be fine.... Wanna grab a smoothie?

Clary: Sure!

Jace: GUYS where are you going.... GUYS!!!!!!!!

This was really short, and pointless but you know I was really bored and all that fun stuff so... yeah... just comment I guess...

Jace and sebastian behind the scenes (funny moments fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now