Happily ever after

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*Skips to Crystal being 9 months pregnant*

Crystal p.o.v

Jacob is finished with his tour and he is around a lot but he doesn't stay with me was don't talk as much either.

But I don't know why.

But I'm still living down here with my cousin.

But this morning I took a shower and right when I was putting on my clothes.

My water broke.

"Umm Lilly!!" I called her sitting on my bed.

"My water just broke" I said.

"I'll call the ambulance I read online..." she started going on,

"okay Lillian just get me to the hospital" I said.

"Okay" She ran out to call the ambulance.

I reached and got my phone off the dresser and called Jacob.

"Hello" He said.

"Jacob...my water just broke"

"Okay stay calm.where are you?"

"I'm at Lillian house still she called the Ambulance to get me"

"Okay I'm not that far away I'm living now" 

"okay bye"

I hung up.

Within 5 minutes Jacob arrived and came over to my sit.

"Crystal are you okay?" He pushed my hair back looking at me concerned.

"Where is the ambulance?" He panicked.

"it's okay my contractions aren't that close" I ensured him.

"Thanks for being there"  I said looking into his eyes.

"Always" He said and leaned in but the ambulance busted in the door.

They just pushed Jacob out the way which was quite mean I can say but I don't think it bothered him.

They helped me out to the Ambulance van and took me to the hospital.

"Crystal I'll be right behind yall" I heard Jacob shouted.

As they closed the door on him.

"Aye that's not cool"I said taking up for him.

"I'm sorry ma'ma we are just trying to do our jobs"

"But that's the father of my child and y'all are treating him like he is nothing don't do that" I said.

"Okay we are sorry we will apologize to him at the hospital if that's better" a doctor said.

"thank you" I said laying back down.

When we arrived at the hospital they took me into a room.

And shortly after Jacob rushed in and Lillan behind him.

"Crystal" Jacob said coming to my side

"Jacob"  I grabbed his arm.

"Are you ready for this baby?"I smiled at him.

"More than I ever was" He held my hand tightly.

"I love you Jacob" I smiled at him.

"I love you too Crystal"  He then leaned in for a kiss.

We kissed for a moment until the doctor walked in.

"Well look at the happy couple" the man smiled at up putting on this gloves.

"So are you the father?" the doctor asked Jacob.

"Yes sir" He said.

"Are you a proud father?" he said.

"Not yet but will be, this is my first child" Jacob spoke.

"Ouch"I said low.

"Those were your contractions getting close we have to wait just a little bit longer then I will tell you to push okay" the doctor said.


After a couple more minutes. 

"okay on 3 you push okay Crystal" the Doctor got ready.

I looked over at Jacob.

"Okay" I grabbed tight onto his hand.

"1....2....3 push"

The doctor said and i began to push.

I screamed from the pain and Jacob held on tight to me.

"I see a head keep pushing" the doctor said.

"Push Crystal"  Jacob said softly holding on to me.

I listened and pushed some more.

I kept pushing until I heard the doctor said.

"Your all done" and he stood up with my baby boy.

He wiped my baby off and handed him to Jacob.

Tears formed in my eyes form seeing the love and tears form in Jacob.

He then let me hold my baby.

"Aww baby Tyler" I cried and rocked my baby.

"But we'll be back with your baby" a group of doctor came in and took my baby away for a moment to get it completely cleaned off.

"This has been an amazing experience having a child with the woman I'm crazy in love with but I can't find the right words or even know if words can describe the way I love her my life has changed tremendously with her in my life for the better and I can't imagine my life without her...Crystal you are my World" He confessed out of no where.

"I didn't know you felt that away Jacob"Tears formed in my eyes.

"that's only part of it...I never can get you got of my head Crystal I really love you" He said.

"Jacob their wasn't a better way you could ever tell me how you feel because... Jacob I love you too,with all my heart,mind and every part of my body I'm nothing without you" Tears fell

"Jacob I love you" I said.

"I love you too Crystal" He said kissing me.

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