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Can we forget you are a woman and I'm not allowed to ask women how old they are? I'd really like to know your age. Meanwhile, I'll guess. 22. 21?

I just went and asked the lads.

"How old do you think Lola is?"

John, stroking his chin, "she's gotta be about 19."

Me, nodding, "that's my guess too."

Ringo, out of nowhere, "She's gotta be 26!"

Me, shaking my head. "She doesn't look 26."

Ringo, shooting me a look, "Black don't crack!"

Lola, is that racist? I really hope not!


I'll count cake. Even though it doesn't count as food. Yes, it's delicious and food but it's not what I had in mind. But you're save, if you are wondering. I've liked your answer enough to keep you. (For now.) But you might have to proof yourself later.

Lola, why German of all languages? It sounds so aggressive. Leck mich?

What do you think the world will look like in 50 years? Do you think we'll have flying cars?

Birdie tells me you were dancing and singing along to The Beatles but do you like them? If so, favorite song? Favorite record?

Me gusta tu cara tambien, Lola.

- g. h

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