For a Month

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Frisk POV-

  I am so excited. I have barely seen Papyrus and Sans since I became ambassador a few years ago. I was so excited to be staying with them for a month. I quickly kiss mom bye and rush out the door. I run as fast as I can through the freezing snow. I start to see the dark outline of their house. I run even faster even though i'm completely out of breath. I see them both on the porch waiting for me. I dropped my bag on the floor and threw myself at them into a long embrace. As soon as we all pulled away from the hug I heard Papyrus say, "WELL NOW THAT FRISK IS HERE I SHALL MAKE MY FAMOUS SPAGHETTI" as he walked into the house. "Hey Sans", I say giving him another hug. He was my best friend. He has helped me through a lot of things. "Hey kiddo", he says back in a raspy voice. He probably just woke up from a nap. I'm not really surprised though. He is usually sleeping about or at this little restaurant called Grillby's. I walked into their house and went upstairs to put my stuff in the room I would be staying in. After I had put my stuff down and got settled i went back downstairs. Papyrus was done with the spaghetti so we all sat down and ate.                                            

             When we were finished eating Papryus claimed he was going to go out and run some errands. Sans and I waved to him as he left. I then walked over to the couch, sat down, turned on the T.V, and began flipping through channels. A few minutes later Sans walked over and sat down on the other side of the couch. His white hair was messy from the nap i assumed he took earlier. He saw me staring at his hair when i quickly looked away to hide my lightly blushing face. I have always liked sans in a more intimate way, but I doubt he liked me back considering i was only 18 and he was 23.

Sans POV-

  I sat down on the other side of the couch away from frisk. I looked over at her. She was staring at me until she quickly turned her head away. She certainly has grown. I couldn't help but to study her. The last time i saw her was about 3 years ago which is too long. It was weird seeing her grown up. I looked away from Frisk to stare at the T.V. "Have you decided on anything to watch", I asked in a slightly raspy voice. She just nodded and turned on a comedy. 

(I know that was short sorry!!!)

Frisk POV-

  I decided to turn on a comedy. I was laughing so hard my stomach started to hurt. Though i wasn't surprised when i noticed Sans falling asleep. After about 5 more minutes of watching T.V, I decided to turn it of and go upstairs to room for a bit so i wouldn't bother Sans. As I was walking away i felt a tight grip on my wrist. I was then pulled down onto the couch next to Sans. I didn't know what to do i just laid there blushing.

(Im gonna stop it there for suspense! Lol but next time the chapter WILL be longer!!)

Human Sans x Frisk (Undertale)Where stories live. Discover now