For a Month Continued.

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    Frisk POV 

          While lying down with my wrist still in the grasp of Sans' hand, I tried loosening it but it just kept getting tighter. I even tried to just get up at one point but I was pulled right back down. I started to think he was awake and was doing this on purpose. Until he mumbled a name. My name. I waited to see if he was going to mumble again just to make sure it was/wasn't my name. It had been about five minutes until he mumbled again. It was definitely my name. I tried to wake Sans up. When he wouldn't awake I tried again. He finally started getting up which made him loosen his grip on my hand. I quickly got up before he saw I was laying next to him. 

    "What you doing kid", he asked in a raspy voice while sitting up. I didn't know how to reply to this because until now I was trying to get out of his grip. I finally told him I was getting ice cream and asked him if he wanted some. He shook his head and jokingly said he was on a diet. 

   Right after this we heard Papryus come through the door. "I BROUGHT GROCERIES...PLEASE HELP GRAB THE REST", he yelled. Sans and I began to walk outside to get the rest of the groceries. Neither of us said anything while outside. I wanted to ask him what he was dreaming that caused him to say my name, but I figured that was to forward. A few seconds later I heard him ask me if he had said anything in his sleep. I said no because I didn't want to make him embarrassed or feel like he had to explain why he said my name.  

  Sans POV

     I asked Frisk if I had done or said anything while I was asleep. She said no but at the same time she looked down and put her hair behind her ear. Generally a sign that she was lying. "Frisk?" I asked again hoping for a response. "You said my name", she said as she started to blush trying to hide it from embarrassment. She reminded me of the nightmare I had. In the dream, Frisks' eyes changed color and had a really wide smile on her face. She started running toward me with a knife in hand. As soon as she had the knife above me I was woken up. 

   Not realizing I was daydreaming until Frisk called my name I quickly told her that what she heard was probably a miss understanding. She nodded. I didn't want to have to tell her about my dream in fear of frightening her.  We then heard Papryus call our names and we quickly brought the rest of the groceries inside. 

    9:30 PM Sans POV 

      Around 9:30 pm I decided it was time for my beauty sleep. I started to walk upstairs and into my room. Frisk went to bed around 9 ish. I decided to peep into her room to check in on her. I quietly opened the door. I looked in and she was dead asleep. 

   I have always had this feeling Frisk liked me but I wasn't quite sure. I do admit as she got older she started to appeal to me as much as I (for some reason) appealed to her. I quietly shut her door and went off into my room. I laid down and pulled the blankets over me. I quickly fell alseep. 

Frisk POV

  I went into my room around 9:00. I didn't fall asleep though. About 30 minutes later I heard someone coming up the stairs. I quickly turned off my light and went under the covers to make it seem like I was asleep. Thank goodness I did this because someone opened my door. I assume to check on me. The soon left quietly closing the door. My eyes were closed so I didn't know who it was. I began to feel tired so I didn't get back up again. I instead fell asleep. 

(Sorry it took a while to write the next chapter!! I will probably write the next one either Tuesday or Wednesday day depending on school lol) 

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