Chapter II

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I sat in front of the fire eating a slice of mums butts pie, sans was talking to mum probably about Chara. I didn't want to admit it but I was scared, scared because I let Chara take control once and she killed everyone...
"Hey kid"
"Sans, did you..."
"Nope, I didn't tell your mum about Chara, I told her I would take care of you tonight. The party's gonna be tomorrow"
"Really, now do you wanna make some hot dogs"
"Hehe, yeah"
*************************************"night frisk"
"Night sans... sans?"
"Huh what?"
"Will you stay with me tonight"
"Of corse kid"
*************************************"hehehe he can't protect you" the shrill voice I hate rippled through the air again
"He can, he's kill you hundreds of time!"
"No, no, no he's killed YOU hundreds of times"
"Chara when will you stop?"
"When your d e a d!"
Chara raced towards me I didn't want to fight her, I couldn't fight her, but she was taking control"
*************************************(sans POV)
I heard shuffling next to me.
"Hey kid are you okay?"
"N-n-no sans I'm so cold and scared"
"Kid? Your voice... wait your not frisk"
"Well done sansy, you don't remember me but I remember you~"
"CHARA, do you wanna have a bad time"
"Hehehe, let me guess your gonna dunk me, you don't wanna harm friskys body do you?~"
"What have you done with her? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?"
"Oh she's fine... for now"
I remembered something frisk told me, when there were two souls inside someone you could call out to the soul and they would gain control. I know she technically doesn't have two souls but it's my only chance.
"FRISK, frisk can you hear me? Dunkle sans is here, please stay determined because someone really cares about you, and that's me!"
Frisks body fell to the ground, she was still breathing.
"Frisk you really rattled my bones"
"T-t-thank you"
"No problem kid, look I know your properly tired but I think we should see alphys"
"Y-yeah we should, how will we get there"
"Hehe, don't worry I know a shortcut!"

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