Chapter IIV

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(Sans POV)
I held frisks limp body and teleported to alphys and undynes house. I walked to the door and knocked twice
"W-w-who's there"
"Theodore" I couldn't resist
"T-Theodore who?"
"Theodore wasn't open so I knocked"
"Oh sans" the door slowly opened revealing alphys in her pjs looking at her feet "why are you here and this ti- oh my metteton is t-that frisk"
"Yeah, she's quite exhausted, can we come in"
"Yeah s-sure would you li-"
"ALPHYS... oh hey sans what are you doing here" undyne came through the door holding a cup of hoy chocolate.
"Err, well you see Frisk here has been experiencing some... things" I set her down on the sofa she looked so weak and helpless "charas trying to take control again!"
"C-chara (oh no oh please help me) well we could scan frisks soul see what's wrong?"
"Really do you think that could help them."
"W-well I could"
Alphys led me and undyne (who was Carrying frisk) through into a small room with a kind of machine in it.
"Well frisk can lie down here and we will be in the next room looking at her soul"
Undyne set frisk down on the table, she was pretending to be asleep but I knew she was awake.
"I-I'll meet you in the next room sans"
"Okay... frisk you can't fool me I know your awake"
"S-sans I'm scared"
"Hey don't worry kid, if anything goes wrong well just stay determined. Wanna hear a joke?"
"Haha, okay"
"What instrument does a skeleton play?"
"A trumBONE?"
"No, no, no the bongos we don't have any lungs!"
"Since when we're your jokes logical"
"Heh, your right kid, cya in a few."
I walked into the next room I saw alphys staring and a screen while undyne was just sitting on a table.
"We will be able to see what happens to her soul, she will also probably fall asleep but it's okay I can observe her soul at night its fine"
I nodded, I looked at the screen it had information on it.
----------------------------------------------Name: Frisk Cooper
Age: 10
Gender: female
Mother: Caroline Cooper
Father: Michal Cooper
Height : 4'7"
Weight : 6 stone
LVL: 1
EXP: 0
Hp: 20
----------------------------------------------The screen when black.
"Err, frisk must of fallen asleep, were about to watch her subconscious mind I think"
----------------------------------------------"hey frisky, how ya doing"
"C-c-chara what do you want?"
"I want to control the timelines, but that can't happen now frisky"
"S-stop calling me out"
"Or what you gonna do Frisky~ fight me~ kill me~ poor poor frisky~"
"Hahaha, go on hit with with all you got~"
"Hello sansy"
I looked back at the screen
----------------------------------------------name: Chara Cooper
Age: 15
Gender: female
Mother: Caroline Cooper
Father: Michal Cooper
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 9 stone
LVL: 20
EXP: 99999
HP: 99
----------------------------------------------CHARA IS FRISKS SISTER!!!!!!!
The screen suddenly flashed back to frisks.
"S-sans, h-h-help" the voice was small and quite, so innocent, who k ew she would be related to Chara!

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