Chapter 2

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Newt's POV

"What was that?!" I was practically screaming by then.
"That? Oh, that.... That was nothing." He tried to change the subject, "What's in your case?"
"Now is not the time for questions! We must save whoever screamed!"
"Miss. Tina. I believe it is time for you and your friend to leave."
   "As you wish, Credence." She said before hugging him.
   "No! I'm not leaving!" I yelled. "I'm going to find the source of that scream!"
   I picked up my case before running off to where I thought I heard the scream.
"YOU EVIL, EVIL CHILD! YOU KILLED ANOTHER!" I heard a woman yell, in between what sounded like lashes of a whip. How am I gonna get to them?! I thought in panic before I found a hidden door.
After I managed to open it, I saw something I never wanted to. A girl, around 18 or so, maybe more, lying in the ground covered in blood, while a woman wearing all black and holding a whip, was standing above her, hitting her with it.
"Stop it!" I yelled without thinking. "Stop this madness!"
The woman turned to me. "And who exactly are you?"
"I, am Newt Scamander. Now stop hitting this poor girl. She's done nothing."
"Now that is where you are wrong. She is Satan, and she has killed yet another with her powers." The woman hissed at me, before spitting on the girl.
"I... I'm sorry, mother." The girl said quietly.
"QUIET (Y/N)!!" The woman shrieked.
"(Y/N)... Wait. I thought (Y/N) died. Is this what actually happened? You locked her up here to torture her?!"
   "This is not your place to have an opinion. Now get out!" The cold words of the harsh woman rang in my ears for a second before she pushed my out the door.
   Tina dragged me out of the house whilst asking me question, but I couldn't hear her, I was too distracted by that girl.
   The next thing I knew, I was slapped. Hard. "What has gotten into you? Are you even listening?"
   "Hm? Oh, yes. Of course I am. I'm just rather worried for Credence's sister."
   "His sister is dead, remember?"
    "No, she's not," and I left it at that, earning a confused look from Tina.

A/N: I'm sorry this was short. I'm hoping it's good though :3 Also, Newt is gonna be around 20 in this because plot convenience.

Newt Scamander x Reader: I'll Save YouWhere stories live. Discover now