Chapter 4

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Newt's POV

   "What do you need help with? I'm kind of busy."
   "It's Credence. He's missing. And you're right, his sister isn't dead. He left us a note explaining it." Tina said before handing me a folded piece of paper.
Dear Tina,
   I have left to run away with Decival, and join the magic kingdom. I can't take my mother anymore. She hates me for absolutely no reason. At least with Percival I'll be appreciated. And I lied to you, (Y/N) isn't dead. She's locked away, because she's the devil. Don't try to look for me, because you won't find me.

Yours truly,
Credence  Barebone

   It was written in shaky cursive, with a bit of blood here and there. Hm. So he does have a breaking point. I thought bitterly to myself.
"Well?" Tina asked, breaking the silence. "What should we do?"
"We need to find him. He couldn't have gotten very far. And then, we break (Y/N) out." I stated with fake confidence, I was a nervous reck inside, I just can't show weakness like this.
"Yea, I kind of figured. But how are we going to find him?"
"Umm... I'm not sure. Maybe we should just venture around, looking for clues that will lead us to him."
"Brilliant, Einstein. Absolutely brilliant."
"Didn't ask for the sarcasm."
"It's just part of the package." Tina said with a small smirk.

Credence's POV

I had to get out of there. I can't handle it anymore! Percival will help me join the world of wizardry. I feel awful leaving (Y/N) behind, but I had to. She's hardly even been outside, the world isn't the place for her. No where really is.
   "Ay! Watch it, spazz!" Someone yelled when I bumped into them.
   "I'm sorry, si-... Percival! I've been looking everywhere for you!"
   "Percival? Who on earth is Percival? My name's Vince."
   "Oh, I'm sorry. You just kinda looked like him." And with that, we were both on our ways.

A/N: I'm sooooooo sorry this didn't turn out that good. I'm easily distracted and Netflix.

Newt Scamander x Reader: I'll Save YouWhere stories live. Discover now