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Riley's POV

A knock on my office door tore my gaze away from my laptop. Alfie stood there, waiting patiently. I motioned for him to come in with my hand, finishing typing a letter to James. I heard the door creak open, and saved the document, looking at Alfie. "What is it?" I asked, patiently. The truth is, I'm completely mad at Alfie, if he hadn't fallen for me, I wouldn't have fallen for him, we wouldn't have kissed, and James wouldn't be angry with me right now. But I have to do my job, which includes talking to Alfie, unfortunately. The kiss was why I was writing a letter to James, actually. It explained I was pregnant, and that I realize he doesn't want to be with me anymore, and that he doesn't have to be there for his child, but he should at least know about it. Whether or not he reads the letter is up to him, but at least I made an effort. I saw Alfie look around, running his fingers over one of the trophies in my office.
"Is it true that you're pregnant?" He asked me.
"That's none of your business." I responded coldly.
"I'll take that as a yes." He smirked. The look on his face made me sick. "You know Riley, I care about you more than James ever did, it would be better if I was the father of your baby." He began.
"I love James more than I'll ever like you, so it's better this way." I told him, placing a hand on my stomach. My small 8 week bump, almost unnoticeable. Alfie met my eyes, his hand gripping the trophy he had been touching. A sinister look glittered on his face as he looked down to my stomach, rather unhappily. He lifted the trophy off the shelf, walking towards me. He placed it on my desk, leaning forward to whisper in my ear.
"I don't know how you could keep this baby, especially since the father hates you." He taunted. I bit my cheek, holding back the tears in my eyes. "I can help you get rid of it if you want." He added, his hand moving to stroke my cheek gently.
"Don't touch me!" I snapped, slapping his hand away. He frowned, moving away from me.
"Have it your way then." He spat angrily, grabbing the trophy again. He raised it in the air, fury evident on his face. As Alfie swung the object, I saw a glimpse of blonde hair, before I felt the impact of the trophy on my forehead, causing everything to go black.

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