Chapter 3

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Riley's POV

Dr. Hack wiped the gel off my stomach as he finished my 30 week ultrasound. "I'll help you take your bag to the car." Alfie said to him, before speaking to the nurse. "Lisa, put the stuff away, like usual." He instructed her. Alfie and Dr. Hack left, putting the stuff in the car, as Lisa started to clean everything up. She walked by me, and I grabbed her wrist, causing her to stop and look at me.
"Lisa, you've felt sympathy for me this entire time. You're a good woman, I don't know why you're doing this, but I know you regret it. Please, don't leave me in the amount of pain I feel after ultrasounds. Let me see the baby. Tell me the gender. Please." I begged, the usual tears rolling down my cheeks. Nowadays, it was rare I wasn't crying. I mean, I never saw my baby, I didn't know the gender, Alfie starves and abuses me, and as my due date draws closer, I keep thinking about what Alfie said. How he's going to make me watch my baby die. Lisa looked at me upset, obviously wanting to show me what I've been asking for for months now. She looked around, seeing neither Alfie or Dr. Hack was here, and slowly nodded.
"Alright." She said quietly. I let go of her wrist, my eyes widening in disbelief, a small, weak smile growing on my face. She walked to the machine, where the file sat, and pulled a piece of paper out of it, walking back to me. She slowly handed me an ultrasound photo of my baby.


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"Wow." I whispered in disbelief, tears of happiness now running down my face. "They're beautiful." I cried, wiping my tears away.
"You're carrying a healthy baby boy." She told me softly. I froze, looking over at her in awe.
"I'm having a boy?" I asked, stunned. She nodded, smiling at me. I shook my head, smiling bigger. "I'm having a son." I told myself, looking back at the photo of my beautiful baby boy. The amount of gratitude I had for this woman was unbelievable.
"Lisa, what are you doing?" Dr. Hacks voice called. We looked up to see him standing in the doorway. He walked over to us angrily. "Alfie told us not to show her." He snapped.
"Owen, please. This poor woman's locked up in here, and all she wants is to see the baby and know she's having a son. He starves and abuses her, and all she's asked for is a glimpse at an ultrasound photo. Can't we just take the photo back and not tell Alfie about this?" Lisa reasoned with him. He sighed, looking over at me, and back to the doorway, where Alfie would come in any minute.
"Alright fine. But we need the photo back now. And don't you dare mention this, we're helping you, the last thing we need is to get in trouble." Dr. Hack finally said. I nodded, handing them the photo back, and they returned it to the file, just before Alfie walked in.
"I'll help you down Ri." He said to me, walking over. He grabbed my hand with one hand, and placed the other on my back, helping me off the stretcher. Every time he touches me, I feel as though poison is being injected into my skin, but today I ignore it. I'm too focused on the picture in my mind, my beautiful baby boy.

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