Chapter 6

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Riley's POV

The beeping of the heart monitor was the only sound filling the room. I was in the hospital, being analyzed to make sure I was alright. I heard the door open, meaning one of the nurses was coming in to check on me. "Hey how you doing?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up, my eyes slightly wide, to see Lisa smiling at me. I smiled back weakly. The first smile I've given since leaving that place.
"I'm okay." I responded quietly. "Does Dr. Hack work here too?" I inquired. Lisa shook her head.
"Not anymore. He was fired for helping Alfie." She answered.
"Are you gonna get fired?" I asked worriedly. She was nothing but nice to me, it's unfair that she's gonna lose her job.
"No." She said, hesitating before saying the next part. "I was the one to tell the police where you were." I looked at her, tears pooling in my eyes.
"Thank you." I whispered, smiling and wiping away the tears.
"I came to tell you you should be expecting your first visitor soon." Lisa told me, happier now. I smiled.
"Thanks." I said again, and she smiled, leaving the room. Around 20 minutes later, I heard the door creak open again, and looked up from my hands. I froze, seeing one of the last people I wanted to see. James. I could feel my breathing pick up as he slowly walked towards the bed I sat in, not saying a word. Tears began to pool in my eyes, and I had to look away. I need to be strong, he doesn't need to see me cry. It was his fault this happened. In his reflection in the window, I could see tears slowly start to roll down his cheeks too. After a few seconds, I felt his hand on my shoulder, causing me to snap my head to the side to look at it skeptically. "How'd you do it?" He whispered, my eyes moving up to meet his. "How'd you keep going through this? Didn't you ever want to give up?" He asked. Tears continued to roll down both of our cheeks as I stared at him silently. I saw his eyes study me, taking in the mess I now was. His gaze moved back up and he caught my eyes. He froze, his expression changing, as though I was unfamiliar. "How did you do it?" I was silent, feeling rage slowly fill me. It was his fault. His fault. Then suddenly, I did something I never thought I would. I had slapped him. He stared into my eyes, not looking upset over my actions. "Slap me again." He said. I hesitated, but after a second, let my hand collide with his face. I began breathing heavily as he raised his eyebrows. "One last time, as hard as you can." I didn't think, just hit him with all my force, needing to release the pent up anger. He stumbled slightly, but didn't react to the pain. And then I broke. Tears rolled down my face as I spoke.
"How could you do this to me? If you had been there, if you had forgiven me, maybe this wouldn't have happened." I cried. He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my back in a comforting manner, letting me cry. I found myself wrapping my own arms around his middle, holding him tight.
"I love you Riles, so much. I'm so sorry." He whispered.
"I love you too." I mumbled, before pulling out of his chest. I saw the smile on his face disappear, as he looked at me concernedly.
"What's wrong?" He asked softly, as I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I know you love it, but please, don't call me Riles." I said, thinking of Alfie. He looked upset when I said that, but did his best to hide.
"Alright baby girl." He responded, hugging me again.

Taken (Sequel to Stolen)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें