Chapter 4

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Riley's POV

It's April 5th today, I'm exactly 40 weeks pregnant. Or I was, before my son was born. It's around noon now, and he was born at 6:18 this morning. I was bouncing him in my arms, before he started to cry. "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay, you're okay baby boy." I told him. His arm reached up towards my chest, and I smiled. "Are you hungry?" I asked in a soft voice, getting ready to pull my shirt down.
"What are you doing?" Alfie asked, causing me to look up, momentarily freezing.
"He's hungry. I was gonna feed him." I answered. Alfie shook his head.
"I have a bottle ready, give me a minute." He said.
"No need. I can just nurse him." I responded. Alfie laughed at that.
"You chose to have this kid, I'm not letting you get attached. He can have formula, and when you have a kid with me you can nurse all you want." He told me.
"Alfie please, don't be ridiculous. You can keep the gender, and the ultrasound photos from me, but my body is producing milk, we may as well use it. Plus, if we don't my chest will swell up with milk, do you know how painful that will be?" I explained. He walked over, taking my son out of my arms.
"You won't be nursing him for much longer, so what's the point?" He asked, walking away with my boy. He returned moments later, a bottle in his hand, as he fed my son. I sighed, looking at them.
"Alfie please. It's just breastfeeding." I said to him.
"I don't care. You shouldn't be that attached to this kid." He answered.
"He's my flesh and blood, you expect me to not be attached?" I asked sarcastically. Alfie didn't respond after that. Around 15 minutes later however, he handed my boy back to me, full and content. I sighed, looking down at him. He looked so much like James. I tried not to think about him much, he hates me and I'm stuck here, but I couldn't help it. I'd seen baby photos of James before, and this was the exact image of him. It was crazy. I leaned down, placing a soft kiss on his head, rocking him in my arms again as he slowly fell into a deep sleep, peacefully. I wish I felt that happy. Most people have a baby, and are over the moon, not able to let it go. But I know that at some point, Alfie will try to take him from me. Possibly sooner rather then later, seeing as he wouldn't let me name the child. Tears pooled in my eyes as I thought about that. Alfie wants to kill my child. He may succeed in killing my child. And then he wants to have a baby with me? I don't know how he thinks I would do such a thing, after he's killed my first child.


I opened my eyes. Light was just starting to pour in through the small windows like 30 feet above the ground, meaning it was early morning. I looked around, confused to see I was the only one here. "Alfie?" I called, confused. Where is he? And where's my son? "Alfie?" I yelled, louder. He appeared from around the corner, smirking as he walked towards me. "Where's my son?" I asked him, confused.
"Riles, remember what I told you? It's just the two of us now." Alfie said, evil dripping from every word.
"What do you mean?" I asked, my heart speeding up.
"He's gone, Riley. You don't have to worry about him anymore." My eyes widened, and tears slowly began to roll down my face, speeding up as they came, until they were streaming down my face.
"W-what?" I choked out, watching his smirk grow. I collapsed to a sobbing heap on the ground, unable to control myself, to do anything else. I was officially broken.

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