Chapter 1

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Riley's POV

The sound of footsteps and wheels scraping along the floor caused me to lift my head. Alfie was walking towards me, along with an unfamiliar man, and woman, who were pushing a large machine on wheels, and a stretcher. I had been in this place for 3 weeks now. Every time Alfie came, I'd ask him how long it's been. He tells me, I mean, I'm in a dirty, run down place probably in the middle of nowhere, it's not like I can get help. "Riley, this is a family friend of mine, Dr. Hack, he's here to do an ultrasound for you." Alfie told me. I didn't respond, just returned my gaze to the ground. I can't believe a doctors here, and willing to help Alfie keep me locked up.
"Let's get you on the stretcher." The woman said kindly, walking over to me. She kneeled in front of me, and I saw that her eyes held sympathy. She grabbed my hands gently, helping me to my feet, before walking me over to the stretcher. I sat on it, shifting my weight from side to side anxiously.
"How far along are you?" Dr. Hack asked me.
"I'm about 12 weeks." I answered quietly. The nurse, that's what I assume the woman is, jotted that down on paper, as with the answers I gave to other questions, like if I had been experiencing pregnancy symptoms, if I had experienced anything odd, etc.
"Alright, let's just have you lay back now, and we'll begin." The doctor said. The nurse started up the machine, which seemed sort of complicated, while Dr. Hack started pulling things out of a bag, like the ultrasound gel. I felt hands on my shoulders, and snapped my head to the side to see Alfie. He pushed me down to a laying position, keeping his hands on my shoulders.
"Pull up your shirt." Alfie instructed, so that the gel could be squirted on my stomach. I hesitated, resulting in him letting go of my shoulders to pull my shift up, revealing my stomach. The doctor squirted the cold gel on my stomach, grabbing the probe and beginning to move it around. As he did, he was looking at the computer screen, which was blocked from my view. After a while, he spoke.
"The fetus seems perfectly fine." He announced.
"C-can I see?" I whispered, hoping to see my baby for the first time. The nurse looked between Alfie and me, but didn't respond. No one responded whatsoever. "Can I see my baby?" I asked again, at a normal volume, my voice on the verge of cracking. Alfie looked over at me, finally acknowledging I had asked a question.
"What was that?" He taunted, knowing he was torturing me.
"I-I was hoping to see my b-baby." I stuttered. Alfie smirked.
"Well you know what they say about hope. Brings eternal misery." (Who gets that reference? Comment below where it's from) He told me. "If you're done shut it off." He instructed the doctor and nurse. My eyes widened, my heart dropping. The tears I had been holding back since the ultrasound started, slowly started to slip down my cheeks. Dr. Hack printed something, before switching the machine off, as the nurse slowly wiped the gel off my stomach, glancing at my hurt expression, and looking like she was about to cry for me. I slowly sat up, the tears pouring down my cheeks faster.
"Please Alfie." I pleaded, struggling to keep myself from attacking him. "Please." He ignored me, instead placing a blank envelope in front of me with a pen.
"Write the studios address, but with James's name. Don't give it a return address." He said forcefully. A sob wracked my body as I lifted the pen, doing what he told me to, as he watched carefully.

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